Thursday, January 6, 2011

My computer, My best friend

My computer, My best friend

Author: SEOhaus

According to a recent survey conducted by SupportSoft Inc, 64% of Americans say that they spend more time with their computer than with their significant other, and 84% say that they are more dependent on their personal computer now then they were just three years ago.

The surveyors, according to SupportSoft Inc’s chief marketing officer, were surprised to find that computers triggered powerful emotions in the people who use them. According to the survey, “when confronted with a ‘dead’ computer, 19 percent admitted to wanting to hurl it out the nearest window, 9 percent felt stranded and alone, 11 percent used language normally reserved for special occasions, 7 percent did so loudly, 3 percent did so tearfully, and another 3 percent additionally vented their wrath on other inanimate objects.�

Each person surveyed, who were all over 18, and owned a PC with broadband Internet access, estimated, according to the survey, that they spent about 12 hours per month trying to fix computer problems.

After reviewing the results of this survey, the firm, according to Rodio, decided to offer people “support and empathy during their times of computer troubles.� SupportSoft’s dedicated staff of “computer therapists,� helps customers with their computer support issues, and according to Rodio, business has never been better. “At this point, we can barely hire enough people to keep up with the business,� he said in an interview with

As more and more people spend a majority of their time online, SEO, or search engine optimization and Internet marketing companies, are increasing their efforts to ensure that the websites of their clients achieve the highest rankings possible. 45 percent of companies surveyed now employee the services of an SEO consultant or company, up from 30 percent this time last year. This number is expected to grow in the coming months and years, as a greater awareness of the value of SEO for Internet marketing purposes is also expected.

Currently, only about 14% of people living in the United States do not have access to the Internet. Among these people, many still obtain Internet access via their public or school libraries. The popular social bookmarking site,, estimates that 30% of all people in the United States are MySpace users, and 20% of this same population group claims that they have their own websites for personal and or business use.

Is your computer one of your best friends? If so, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Much to the annoyance of significant others worldwide.


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