Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Remove Spyware With Computer Support

By: James Madison

Millions of spyware, viruses and adware are lurking every corner of the Internet world and they can attack your computer anytime they find a loophole on the system. No matter which operating system you are working on, you need to safeguard your computer against any type of virus attack. Online computer support companies provide essential assistance for removing virus or for maintaining your PC health. Read on to know more on tech support and virus removal.

Viruses and spyware can hit your computer directly when you go to the Internet and download something over there. Given the advanced and latest technology, the high definition viruses are always looking for smarter ways to make their ways to computers connected to the Internet. Once the viruses hit any computer, they can steal any personal data or can corrupt the system set up. Stealing the personal data and sending them to any hackers can pose great security risk to anyone. This type of act is enough to make one's life miserable with frightful consequences. Some tech support experts suggest that spyware are mainly designed to hack the PC users. However, this does not mean that you are using a Mac computer and you are free from the menace. There are numerous adware and spyware programs that are designed to attack the Mac machines.

Some tech support technicians believe that spyware help the users in their surfing. But the truth is something very different. Once into the computer, a spyware or adware can seriously damage the physical health of a computer by corruption the system files. With the infected machine if you search for anything you won't be able to find the right one you are looking for. Rather the viruses can pop up in on the computer screen or sometimes can reside on the hard drive of the computer unnoticed.

All the technologically advanced spyware and malware are being created and these days and are constantly trying to break into the security of a computer. As a result it has become extremely important to shield your computer with high end and latest anti virus software. You can make use of some good online tech support provider companies to get the best antivirus program for you. Online computer support experts will suggest the right anti-virus software program needed for your computer system. You can also get some free yet good quality anti- virus programs with the latest virus definitions.

Computer support experts suggested some ways to detect if your computer has got virus attack. Some typical symptoms can rightly tell if your computer is hit by the virus. Pop up appearances on every page, unknown error messages; sudden closings of applications, programs not responding are some very common problems when your computer has got virus attack. Virus can also change the default homepage on your web browser without your permission. Sometimes you can also notice some programs are stored on your favorite toolbar which is actually not stored by you. This is also yet another example of the virus attack.

However, you notice these types of symptoms on your computer be sure your computer has got virus attack. Once detected, you need to download and install good anti-virus software on your computer system and need to run a full scan. The scan will successfully detect the viruses and will remove them, suggest the tech support experts. Using these steps you can maintain a virus free secure computer.

About the Author

James Madison is a contributing writer for subjects like tech support, computer repair, computer help and computer support services. He has got extensive knowledge in these fields which is rightly reflected on his writings.

(ArticlesBase SC #2099695)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Remove Spyware With Computer Support

Computer Repair Tips On Fixing Keyboard Issues

By: James Madison

One of the most important parts of your computer system is the keyboard. This is the input device which is used to type the characters and so you can not work without attaching the keyboard with the computer system. No doubt you can boot up your computer without connecting the input device but you can not work further on the computer without connecting the device. With prolonged use you computer keyboard can also get damaged. Most of the time tech support experts suggest that it is better to replace the old damaged keyboards with a new one. However, sometimes problems can be resolved with some skilled profession computer repair assistance.

Sometimes your computer system fails to diagnose the keyboard problems. Some errors come with the message on the computer screen saying 'Keyboard error or not present'. The problem gets worsen when you press keys on the keyboard but the device stays dead locked. Sometimes message like this 'Keyboard error: press F1 to continue' comes to the computer screen when you boot up the system. Sometimes you can hear unnatural sounds from the keyboard too. Sounds like this also signify some errors on the computer keyboard. Most of the times, problems crop up from dust of debris accumulated on the keyboard. For this, computer repair technicians always suggest that you should always keep your keyboard neat and clean.

Computer repair professionals also suggest some tips to fix some common keyboard issues. If you notice your keyboard is not responding, you need to check whether it is plugged in and getting the power supply properly. Tech support professionals suggest it is better to plug out the socket and plug it in once again. If you are using a USB keyboard make sure if you have checked the USB port properly. Sometimes sort of wrong connections give the false impression that the keyboard has gone damaged.

Computer support technicians suggest you to restart your computer to see if the keyboard is working. If you notice the keyboard is still not working, you can plug it out and can connect another keyboard to the computer to see whether the replaced keyboard is working. If the replaced keyboard works you will know the problem is with your keyboard only. But if the replaced keyboard also does not work, it is a clear case of computer problem.

For checking the error in the keyboard you can follow some computer repair tips. For this you will need to go to the Control Panel of your computer system. From here you will need to go to the device manager. Here can see all the devices that are connected to your computer. You need to look for the device keyboard here. If you notice any red or exclamation mark on your keyboard device then it's sure that your keyboard has some kind of functional error. Some professionals suggest that by removing the icon and by restarting the computer the issue can be configured.

Expert professionals also suggest you to keep your computer clean. You can keep it covered to protect it from dust or you can also keep it clean by cleaning it everyday with cotton wiper or vacuum cleaner.

About the Author

James Madison is contributing writer on the topics tech support, computer support, computer help and computer repair services. He lives with his family in New Jersey.

(ArticlesBase SC #2099698)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computer Repair Tips On Fixing Keyboard Issues

Let Computer Repair Organizations Handle Your Computer With Care

By: Ravi Srivastava

The use of computers has increased rapidly nowadays and more usage brings more demand. Today, every business and home offices use computers and various computerized machines. Today's life has made everything so fast and now there is no time to even take a break and that is the reason why everyone expects that the computers should work properly because the fact is humans need help of the computers in getting their job done capably, computers also require the help of the repair services to work appropriately.

Computers were never built to control us even though that is how it appears. Their creation was just another tool for man to live at ease. The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers extremely versatile, distinguishing them from calculators and of course the data is very useful for businesses. With human reliance on computer enhancing with each passing day, the significance of computer repair business and computer recycling services are also increasing at a proportionate level. The right type of specialist who can give round the clock onsite computer repair services has thus become a necessity for both offices and individuals.

That is the reason why we can now find many computer recycling and computer support services providers to sustain us to get out of abrupt hard drive crashes, slow computer response, faulty register keys, a large number of networking solutions and various other computer issues. In this situation, PC repair services can give a feel like a life saver at the time of emergency troubleshooting. If you are looking for any solutions for your laptop, computer, software application networking or other peripheral troubleshooting, then it's time to consult the IT professionals for the computer repair services.

In fact, the technique of businesses has now changed to an immense extent with companies relying on IT. Maintaining the IT set up has therefore become a big challenge for the entrepreneurs. If you detest the idea of lugging your computer to the nearest service center then it's time to call for the expert computer repair services to ensure that your business stays up always.

These I. T industries have all the answers for your IT related questions and that is the reason why these are trusted among the businesses. Since computers have become the important aspects of day to day life it is very important to consult an expert repair centre for the computer support services because money comes with businesses and computers are the most helpful part of running businesses!

About the Author

For more information about Computer support business Please visit :- http://www.technologyanswers.net/

(ArticlesBase SC #2099775)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Let Computer Repair Organizations Handle Your Computer With Care

Avoiding Issues That Can Trigger A Computer To Run Slow

By: Jay Leger

Your brand new home computer system may be a great thing if it runs as it is supposed to. It's pretty exciting to have a new computer up and going. But then what is next? For several of you, you are very comfortable and set to go to work or into the vast world of the Internet. But for others, you possibly will be a bit less excited and in need of further experience. This is why many users of personal PC's may profit from additional computer training. Therefore what are several of the things a home computer user should be taught on? Let's take a look at a few ideas you ought to be aware of to be efficient on your home computer and maintain it running for years in the future. And then get around having your PC being bogged down and begin running slower than it needs to be.

Computer instruction should always include how to do back-ups. If any data is important, you should have two copies of it. Just think of what happens when the spreadsheet you've been using for your financial account balances suddenly gets corrupted. If you don't have an electronic copy of the file, then you will be trapped with re-entering all of the data again. It's important to have a written copy of a document or file, but it's also nice to have a back-up of the actual computer file. With home PC training you can get the skills to know how to best back-up your records, which data storage to back up, and what utilities will best meet your desires.

Next look at a couple of areas that often get overlooked until the computer slows so much it is almost at a standstill. A slow computer may be caused by the need of a disk cleanup and file fragmentation. Home computer training will assist the new computer user realize how to recognize when a computer memory is becoming cluttered, and what to do about it. Data file safeguarding is definitely an essential area that should be covered entirely in this training.

While records get fragmented into dozens of pieces on the computers data storage areas, your computer can become slow. Frequently, third party software creates temporary files when you are using it, and then does not delete these files when you are finished. Also, waste can collect in your recycle bin as well. Put some of these issues with short-term internet files and you can be bogged down very easily by slowing down the PC's access time to it and escalating your wait time for a specific undertaking.

An area that is frequently overlooked by a new computer user is Internet safety measures and the setting up of protections such as firewalls. A first-rate home computer guidance class will cover how to administer  your firewall, and how to optimize your Internet browser to make sure a great experience when surfing the internet.

Everyone of these areas are important when operating a computer. Be sure and concentrate on these when you are joining up for home computer class. A good home computer training class will not only discuss these issues, but go above and beyond in taking you up to speed on fast and easy computer procedures.

About the Author

Learn all about the Computer Running Slow issues and about Computer Runs Slow at www.computerrunsslow.net.

(ArticlesBase SC #2107716)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Avoiding Issues That Can Trigger A Computer To Run Slow

Online Pc Repairs - Instant Computer Help 24 Hours A Day

By: Dave Talbot

Whether you're working on the Internet and hope to make a living there or just using your home PC for entertainment, it's important to remember that online computer repair services can be a saving grace and can be essential. Having access to an online pc repairs service also gives you the added peace of mind that you can use your system without worrying too much about Pc problems that could potentially leave you stranded.

Online PC Repairs Are A Thriving Service Industry

You have lots of companies to choose from when you find the need for online computer repair, and whether you need virus removal, a driver updates or your computer or laptop is simply running slow, one of the first things that you'll notice when you come to use remote computer services is how quickly you can get your computer fixed and just how simple this method of computer help can be.

Its worthwhile pointing out that you can get an online computer repair professional to look at the problem that you're having with your computer without your needing to unhook it and drive to a repair shop, assuming of course that the local computer shop is actually open.

Many users tend to be busy during the week and only go online in the evening when most retail businesses have closed and it this can be really annoying.

A slow computer fix is often a lot simpler than you might have thought if you've never tried this system before. Very often the person from a remote computer repair location can tell you what proper course of action is needed to provide a slow computer fix or can carry out the repair for you.

There are a variety of problems that can be fixed by this means of online computer support including registry repair and Trojan removal, software updates and installations, basic system maintenance and even wireless network configuration and security. And of course the big plus is that this process is more convenient and cost efficient than taking you computer to a high priced technician or even having to call one out to you...

Additionally the more professional operations will also offer year round assistance or membership so you can keep your computer nice and healthy with an ongoing pc or laptop maintenance program, these type of maintenance programs are becoming extremely popular and are in effect like you having your own computer support technician on hand 24/7.

Online Computer Repair Can Save You Money

One of the big reasons that the system is so popular is of course the fact that it is cost efficient for both the business and home user. For everything from spyware removal to a host of other issues, this is the solution that large business networks and small home enterprises favor.

There are of course limitations to online computer services and that is they are of no use if you have suffered from a hardware failure in which case contacting a local repair shop will be the best solution. As long as the problem doesn't involve something to do with your hardware though, most of your issues can be solved using a computer repair service that you can find on the Internet.

It doesn't really matter whether you're running a home business, a large commercial enterprise that involves a network or just like to use your computer for recreational purposes, online computer repair and support is very cost effective service that is very much worth subscribing to.

About the Author

By Dave Talbot - Computer mishaps and software problems never happen at convenient times of the day, and for many users problems often occur outside business hours or at weekends. Online Pc repair services give you instant access to computer help 24 hours a day. Visit ==> computerrepairuk.co.uk for online computer repair services and support

(ArticlesBase SC #2110068)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Online Pc Repairs - Instant Computer Help 24 Hours A Day

How To Transfer Itunes Library To New Computer In Ten Minutes

By: jessicazhao


I've wanted to move my iTunes library from my old notebook to my new computer for months. But it's always seemed like such a hassle... especially with a few thousand songs in my library. After searching several times over the past several weeks and I still didn't find a method that didn't involve too many hours of hand editing. What I should do?



Luckily there are 2 ways to make these backups and transfers easier. You can transfer your library to back-up discs or an external hard drive or to your iPod using your USB cable. To use back-up discs, you'll need iTunes 7 or higher. To use your iPod, follow steps as below. Back-up discs are recommended if you have a large library because your iPod may not hold the entire library?But if you don't want to spend more time on burning your CD, just sync the music and movie as you like to your iPod. And then you could use this iTunes transfer program to backup all the files to another new computer in a short time. Here I'd like share some idea for you about the second way (use iPod).




As one of the biggest online store of music and video, iTunes supplies us varieties of conveniences in our daily life. It is called the world's hottest digital download store, However, The size of these libraries presents some challenges when you're trying to back up your computer or transfer iTunes library to new computer. After all, you spent all that time importing your CDs once – you don't want to do it again. And is it possible to transfer your iTunes playlists, song ratings, etc. from your old computer to your new computer?

The answer is absolutely yes! In fact, in this article I will show you how you can transfer iTunes library to new computer from your old computer in ten minutes.


First, you want to make sure that all of your music is in your iTunes music folder. The best and easiest way to do this is to open the iTunes computer program. In the top menu, click on "Advanced" and select the "Consolidate Library" option. ITunes will now start moving all your music into its iTunes music folder.


Transferring iTunes library to an iPod
If you are moving your iTunes library between two computers using the same operating system and iTunes version; and You plan to store the iTunes library database and content in the same relative locations on the new computer


If this is the case, then transferring iTunes library to a new computer is quite simple: Just copy the Tunes folder and all sub-folders from your "Music" (Mac) or "My Music" (Windows) folder on your old computer to an external hard drive or burned onto a CD OR DVD. You can also sync all the music or movies to your iPod with iTunes.


If your transferred songs won't play, they're protected by Apple's digital rights management software, which Apple is phasing out. But when you click a protected song you'll be prompted to "authorize" the song online so it can be played on the new PC (you can authorize a song to play on up to five computers.) but you are unable to share these songs to more than five computers, at this time, you could try DRM Remove Software to unprotect DRM and then you could put them to any other portable player or hard disk and then transfer to another new computer.


Transferring iTunes library from your iPod to another Computer:
One of the easiest ways to move your iTunes library is by use some software to copy the contents of your iPod to a new computer. There are a number of these iTunes transfer programs. Today I'd like to share the way for you

Here is the step by step tutorial for the program:

1. Free download iTunes Transfer and install it.

2. Connect your iPod to computer and then Run the iTransfer application and then the playlists of iPod and iPad will be shown on the left interface.( (make sure iTunes 7 is already installed), but don't let iTunes launch automatically, it will erase your all iPod music).


iTunes Transfer, transfer iTunes library - screenshot


3. Transfer iPod content to computer
Choose the file you would like to transfer, It also supports batch conversion. Just like copying music/video from iPhone to computer, you need to check video/audio files and then click "To iTunes" and then wait for a minute.


iTunes Transfer, transfer iTunes library, transfer iTunes library to new computer


4. The program will automatically open your iTunes after transferring is done.
You will now see your old library have transferred over to your new computer, including your playlists, rating.now, enjoy your music on your new computer.


Note: With this iTunes Transfer program, you can not only transfer iTunes library to new computer, ipod to pc, iPod to iTunes, iPod to iPhone, but also convert video format to iPhone/iPod supported video formats automatically before transfer it to iPhone/iPod. what is more, This iTunes transfer works well on synchronizing iTunes library with your iPod/iPhone.

About the Author

Wondershare Multimedia Software Group, a division of Wondershare Software Co., Ltd, is dedicated in providing innovative and easy-to-use products and service to enhance your digital media experience by converting, editing, managing, saving and sharing a wide range of popular media files.

(ArticlesBase SC #2117197)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - How To Transfer Itunes Library To New Computer In Ten Minutes

Computer Backup Software To Automatically Create A Backup From Your Computer

By: John Andrews

Computer Backup is a must, even though many of us prefer to neglect doing so simply because it's a headache and cross our fingers and hope for the best, which is not wise.

Read on to find out why you should backup and what the perfect answer is to this precarious situation.

Why should you backup your data?

Backup is not a matter of 'if', but 'when' and 'how often'.  Frankly, it's details like these that drive us crazy and make us desperate to find a solution to backing up our computer data automatically.

If you don't do regular backups, you risk losing all your precious office reports or business data, personal files like digital photos of friends and family, or your child's school files with class assignments and term papers.

Too much of your entire family's life is invested in your home or laptop computers such as email, music, videos, ebooks and the like.

Then there's the dreaded yet everyday and likely possibility of hard drive failure or your computer crashing through no fault of your own (although operator error does happen from time to time), and sometimes due to mishaps like severe lightning strikes, fire, flooding, hurricane or theft. The possibilities are endless.  Murphy's law is still with us, unfortunately.

Using an automated computer backup software is your insurance against these possibilities

This is your answer to all those excuses for not backing up your data.

It will also take this hassle out of your life by automatically saving your computer files, digital photos, music, movies and the like.  It's easy and convenient and is so simple that even a novice or casual computer user will have no problem using it.

It'll be as easy as pushing a button which will give you not only a simple way out, but also peace of mind because using an automated program is like leaving this key job to a professional.

Are all computer backup software created equal?

In a word, no!  Some simply do not work.  Others, especially the free ones, may be downright unreliable.  

For this reason, it's advisable that you subscribe to one that comes highly recommended and with good ratings.  Base your decision on the feedback that you get from others who have tried it and found that it thankfully answered all their backup needs and the headache of having to save their backup off-site as a precaution.

The trick is finding the right computer backup software.  We have the right one for you!

A highly recommended software: FinalSync

FinalSync comes highly rated and will save you having to run around trying different computer backup software before settling on one that 'sort of' suits you. FinalSync is simple, secure and affordable.

Why don't you take a look at this software program? Visit: Final Sync

Save yourself from not only wasting multiple weeks trying and testing different software, but also hundreds of dollars. You'll be thankful that you took advantage of this opportunity and will enjoy the ease and confidence of using this new and improved way to backup your computer software.

So, do you want to automatically create a backup from your computer? Visit: Computer Backup Software

About the Author

(ArticlesBase SC #2131414)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computer Backup Software To Automatically Create A Backup From Your Computer

Computer Service Companies Provide Numerous Computer Repair Services

By: Sunil Punjabi

The most common type of Computer repair that is widely used at this time is service via the Internet. This is very convenient for people and businesses alike. When you contact the service, they are able to obtain access to your computer and "take over" your computer so you do not need to do anything; they are able to remedy the problem remotely by having access to your system. This is a good scenario for both the company and the person needing help. The company does not waste valuable time or money by having to send a technician out to the location to assist, and the client is happy as their computer is fixed while they are in the comfort of their own home.

Another option for Computer repair is via the telephone. This is not always as convenient as the Internet as you will have to be given instructions on how to fix your computer problem. The person on the other end of the phone will give you instructions on how to solve your problem. There are also times where you can chat via the Internet rather than getting on the phone. Sometimes, you will need to use the phone, as your computer may not be able to access the Internet so that would not be an option.

An option in Computer repair that is popular with businesses is having someone come to their location, or onsite repair. This is convenient, as they do not have to worry about taking their computer somewhere and leaving it to be repaired. The technician is normally able to solve any problems immediately so there is no loss of time or money because the computer is not functioning. Technicians will also carry parts that might be necessary to replace. They are also beneficial when the person needing assistance is not confident in their own skills if given instructions over the phone or Internet.

Each computer is different and will vary depending on the manufacturer. Some Computer repair companies specialize in specific brands of computers. In most cases, specific brands have their own repair company, which makes it convenient when your computer has a problem. Some companies, even if not affiliated with a manufacturer, specialize in certain brands of computers. Before taking your computer to a repair company, find out if they specialize in your specific brand.

Something that many Computer repair companies do that you may not be aware of is build custom computers. If you are looking for specifics in a computer, this is a great option. You can provide your wants and needs in a computer to the company and they will be able to build it to your specifications. Because the Computer repair company built your computer, they will be very helpful if the need for repair ever arises.

PCSoft is a one of the top Sydney based computer repair companies, and provides computer repair, computer maintenance, and same day onsite computer support services anywhere in Sydney and its suburbs. Our team of expert, experienced and certified computer repair technicians is just a phone call away - http://www.pcsoft.com.au/

About the Author

I am a Microsoft Certified Professional. I conduct Training and Certification Guidance for Microsoft .Net Certification Courses through my training institute-Sierra Infotech. I also own and manage a SEO Company and article Directory.

(ArticlesBase SC #2138068)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computer Service Companies Provide Numerous Computer Repair Services

Appropriate Computer Support Is Mandatory For Efficiency

By: Sunil Punjabi

Businesses in the world today rely on computers to function. Without the use of computers, businesses would not be as efficient and effective as they are today. Imagine the computer as the engine of a car. The car may look like a car, but when the engine is missing, the car will not run and is therefore not effective. Many companies conduct business via the Internet. They use online sources to communicate with their clients. Online chats, video and meets are available and make reaching your clients very convenient. When a business owner loses the ability to access the Internet because their computer is experiencing problems, they may also lose money and time. computer support is so important at these times. Business owners want to be able to fix their problems immediately so they are not without their main means of communication, their computer.

Some businesses actually carry out sales via the Internet. They use online sources to process payments and sell their products. When their computer system goes down, they are not able to conduct business in an efficient way. They may lose hours or days of sales when their computers fail to function. With the availability of computer support at all hours of the day and night, businesses can rest assure that if a problem arises, someone will be there to assist them.

Online businesses are not the only one's who may suffer from a computer malfunction. Businesses such as banks, schools and retailers can literally shut down when their main computers stop working. If a bank is not able to process transactions because their computers are not working, they lose business for the day. Schools are not able to track things such as enrollment and attendance without the use of their computers. Retailers are not able to make sales when their computers are down. Most of these types of companies have contacted with computer support companies, or even have in house support. When your business relies on computers, this is a necessity.

Almost every sort of business you can think of relies on computers to function. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that they have reliable computer support in the instance a problem arises. One of the most important things to look for in computer support is the ability to be available during the day and night, every day of the week. Being stuck in a situation where you are not able to get a hold of someone can make for the loss of huge amounts of money.

computer support companies employee technicians who are trained and extremely skilled in computers. This is an important aspect in hiring the computer technician company for your business. Look for a company that has been in business for a while and only hires well-trained employees. The fact is, computers run businesses. Without them, businesses will lose money. Having computer support will lessen the time you will be without a computer. It will get your business back up and running quickly and efficiently.

PCSoft is a Sydney based computer repairs, maintenance, and Services Company and provides same day onsite computer support services anywhere in Sydney and its suburbs. Our team of expert, experienced and certified computer repair technicians is just a phone call away - http://www.pcsoft.com.au/

About the Author

I am a Microsoft Certified Professional. I conduct Training and Certification Guidance for Microsoft .Net Certification Courses through my training institute-Sierra Infotech. I also own and manage a SEO Company and article Directory.

(ArticlesBase SC #2138082)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Appropriate Computer Support Is Mandatory For Efficiency

Computer Parts: A General Purpose Guide

By: taylor wray

Upon reviewing my knowledge of the Information Technology society, I discovered that we are too few. Actually we are to numerous by count of inexperienced "technicians," to such a degree, that I have decided to begin writing an introductory article on computers and their components. In this article I will be detailing the primary components of a standard desktop and/or tower computer. The article you read now contains an explanation of key components, designed to provide an introduction to computers. If you know (or think you know) what the parts are already please do not waste your time reading this article as it will probably be quite redundant and boring to you. Over the course of the reading I will explain what motherboards, Processors, Power Supplies, Memory, hard drives, Solid State Drives, and expansion cards are, as well as what they do.

The motherboard (also known as the mainboard or mobo) is the foundation component that computers must have in order to do anything. Without this component your computer would not function. It wouldn't even be a computer because it wouldn't know what a function was to begin with. The motherboard comes in many forms, the most common of which are mini-ITX, ATX, and e-ATX. The board also houses various interfaces for many devices. Serial ATA (SATA) and ATA (commonly referred to as IDE) are the most commonly used device interfaces. There are also several sets of pins on the board for USB interfaces. These are clusters of pins are called "headers" and allow expansion. Also on the mainboard there is a set of plastic slots (generally located next to the CPU) for memory. In to the memory slots, you will find several different types of expansion card slots, such as PCI, PCI-e x1, and PCI-e x8 or x16. These expansion slots allow the user to later put in cards that can provide assorted functions in the as well as providing a foundation for computer. None of this matters without two other components, the first of which is the Processor.

Central Processing Units (also known as processors or CPU's) are the brains of the whole operation. This component is the brain of the computer. In order to do anything your computer must have a properly installed CPU. When installing a CPU, make sure that you align notches on the chip itself with the notches on the CPU socket. This will ensure that you do not damage the CPU or motherboard. The next step is to install the heatsink and fan to cool the processor. When installing these cooling products you must use thermal compound. Thermal compound is a paste that transfers heat from the metal of the CPU to the metal of the heatsink. Without thermal compound a heatsink is useless. To install the heatsink, you first administer a small amount of thermal paste (via brush or syringe) onto the CPU. (It is very important not to get any thermal paste on the pin side of the CPU.) After applying thermal paste, you will align the heatsink with the plastic on the motherboard and then press down firmly. You are now ready to install the memory.

Random Access Memory (commonly referred to as RAM or memory) is another of the basic components necessary for a computer to function. When powered on without it, the computer will emit a series of three evenly spaced beeps and will not display anything on the screen. Memory consists of multiple sets of integrated circuit chips set into a circuit board. The gold leads at the bottom of the memory stick conduct electrical signals to the circuits and allow the computer to process information. Memory is volatile, meaning that it will not retain any data when power to the system is lost. Thus users should save their data often in order to retain it in the event of power loss. When installing memory make sure that you align the notches with the bump(s) in the memory slot. Also make sure that you have the right type of memory (DDR, DDR2, or DDR3).

Sometimes referred to as a PSU (Power Supply Unit), the power supply is a metal box containing capacitors and other electrical components that allow the computer to be powered from a simple wall socket. The power supply is responsible for drawing power from the wall socket and directing it to specific components in the computer.

The hard disk drive (HDD) is the part of the computer where files are stored. Hard Drive's hold information on magnetic platters so that the data can be used later. Memory is volatile (not able to store data), but these drive's are non-volatile. This is because instead of using constant electric currents, they use magnetic 1's and 0's to store the information. When choosing a hard drive, there a few options to consider. How much storage space is necessary? This is a question to consider due to the relatively large amount of data users typically process and store over the course of their lives (such as pictures or music). Usually bigger is better, but users probably won't need to have a one terabyte hard drive. How fast does it need to spin? Again faster is better, but faster also equals more expensive. Higher rpm's mean faster read/write speeds thus making the computer just that much faster. What about SSD's? SSD's (Solid State Drives) are a relatively new improvement to the data storage market. Considering their relative youth they are not necessarily going to be the best method of storage for the average user. They are currently geared more towards the enthusiast or gamer than the average PC user. They also cost more per gigabyte than the average hard drive due to their faster read/write speeds.

Optical disc drives (such as CD and DVD drives) are considered removable storage media devices. These devices make use of lasers for both reading and writing information to removable discs. The discs store information through pits in their reflective coating. As the disc spins, the optical drive projects invisible laser light to the disk, and receives the stored information through the deflected output. Writing or burning information to the disc is performed in much the same way except that the laser changes the way the pits on the disc are arranged.

Graphics cards are amongst the most commonly upgraded components of a computer. A graphics card has an onboard GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and its own set of graphics memory. Modern graphics cards commonly use PCI express interface slots to communicate with the motherboard. Often times the high-end graphics cards require power directly from the power supply. Other lower-end graphics cards can simply be powered by the PCIe bus. There are two primary manufacturers of computer graphics cards: NVIDIA and ATI. These two companies have many great cards, and are constantly improving them. Before choosing a graphics card the user should consider what the primary use of their computer will be. Gaming computers generally need a mid-range to high-end graphics card. Computers that will be used for internet browsing and word-processing probably will not need a graphics card expansion.

Sound cards provide better quality sound and additional channels. Onboard sound cards have a microphone, audio in, and speaker/headphone ports. Expansion slot sound cards generally have four more ports for surround sound: right to left, rear stereo, subwoofer, and a MIDI/game port. The ports on the graphics cards are labeled as follows:

To sum up, there are many components required for a computer to function. Over the course of the reading I explained what motherboards, Processors, Power Supplies, Memory, hard drives, Solid State Drives, and expansion cards are, as well as what they do. I hope this article has been helpful to you.

About the Author

I am a senior in high school looking to help improve the computer world by writing informative documents that will provide a basic introduction.

(ArticlesBase SC #2139332)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computer Parts: A General Purpose Guide

Benefits Of Joining Online Computer Technical Schools

By: Jared D. Ingram

Look around you, and you will find that computers are everywhere. In the schools. In hospitals. In banks and even in your homes. You are definitely reading this article through a computer. These things have become a part of our lives and we are steadily becoming to depend solely on them for certain things. With the influx of computers comes the need for personnel to hassle the computer. Thankfully, there are now computer technical schools which give the students on the various computer technologies available and help them to absorb the various computer skills available. Inclusive with this training are such thing as how the computer runs and how to maintain the computer system.

One thing that really went in favor of the computer schools is the internet. Ever since the advent of the internet, it is now possible to join a computer school - online! Therefore it is now a small matter to attach oneself to a particular online school and get all the computer training online. It compares favorably with the more conventional ways of education. For one thing it is more convenient and easier for people to gain their knowledge of computers online than through the more traditional means, and in terms of cost, this is kinder on the pockets. Here are some of the reasons why the online computer school is better than the traditional one:

First, in terms of computer certification, the online computer courses are more liberal. The meaning of this is quite clear; while the traditional computer training will offer you a computer degree, the online training courses are more flexible in their dealings. In this case, the students have a hand in selecting the courses they want done, and the proceed to get their certification. The meaning of this is; the students choose what they want to study, no more, no less.

Another advantage is in the classes themselves. Since they are studying online, the students do not have to present in a particular location to receive the lectures. Therefore there is no time cramp on this. The students receive their tutoring through a virtual environment and they get their lectures either through downloading the files or simply through live streaming. This means that you can receive and take your online computer courses from anywhere in the world.

Another good score in favor of the online computer program is in the relationship between the student and the teacher. The student-teacher interaction is better here, because the student does not need to stand up to be noticed. All he simply has to do is notify the teacher through his PC, notebook or tablet, and the teacher makes the appropriate response. Learning has never been much easier.

Another benefit of course is that the students have ready access to information. For Christ's sake they are connected to the internet! They can simply call up information from the internet. Much easier and much better than if they were in a traditional classroom.

About the Author

Are you looking for more information regarding Training in California ?  Visit www.uscmed.com today!

(ArticlesBase SC #2146735)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Benefits Of Joining Online Computer Technical Schools

Enhance Your Purchase By Computer Buying Guide

By: Herry Chen

There is lots of Computer Buying Guide secrets that let you know while buying a new computer. At the time you decide to get a new computer there are some questions arise in your mind for instance from where do you start? What is the best in value which you can meet the expense of? What type of computer is your requirement? Also this situation disturbed you in final decision.

In Computer Buying Guide, it is useful to do research before you get a computer or any other computer instrument. You have two selections regarding make inquiries that are offline and online. In offline make inquiries the dealer help you in the stores but often their knowledge is imperfect in their experience. When Internet has a complete material of available info and thus you can research deeply before gaining of computer.

Computer Buying Guide make easy you to make a list of all those stuff that you will be using for your new computer. There are various models with different capabilities accessible in the market that you can without difficulty buy according to your necessitate. If it is your first experience to acquire a new computer then it is hard to know exactly what you want until or unless you may use it. Computer Buying Guide helps you to prefer the list of some possibilities include for instance connect to the internet, play games, digital photography, digital video, type documents, accounting, design websites and programming etc.

Some of these are necessitate more power than others just like connecting internet, digital video and many games need lots of power. That is why you need extra fast computer to run these programs. The raw list of these mechanisms will help the trader to provide you the exact relevant information via phone, internet or face to face meeting and thus you can effortlessly decide that which will be the best system for your needs and necessities. This will also save countless your time and money.

Computer Buying Guide also recommends you to decide the warranty of computer. Computer warranties are one of the most incomprehensible and confusing parts of your computer buying process. Computer warranty is also helping you in your computer service and for this you can do some investigate on the internet or most of the computer magazines which have annual customer service comparisons that rate the larger computer institutes. So always note how the warranty is handled before making your final conclusion.

Software is one of the last surreptitious of Computer Buying Guide and In fact new computer systems include quite a few programs and value of the software is quite the best. It also happen in some cases that the software included in your computer is a trial version or limited edition and this kind of programs do not have all the procedures of the full program or it may be run for certain time period till their end.

Actually buyer does not tell their consumers about trial or limited version of the software. You have to ask them if you can not find the answer in their promotional commands. In other case if you are finding new computers with trial versions of the software then you have to pay for continue using after this trial period finishing. It is also another cost that you should decide regarding your overall budget. A bit information about the secrets of Computer Buying Guide can make your assessment easier and will help you to buy the right computer for your necessities.

Then you should wait a few months till the consequences are going down. After sometime you may realize that you have saved yourself from making big error.

If the dealer or company explains all these aspects without you ask, you will take care that you are dealing with sincere and experienced company. Thus you can trust them that your new computer system contains a valuable feature regarding Computer Buying Guide.

About the Author

Bit knowledge about the secret of Computer Buying Guide can make your decision easier and we will suggest you to buy the right computer for your requirements at http://www.greatpcdeals.com/computer-buying-guide

(ArticlesBase SC #2155344)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Enhance Your Purchase By Computer Buying Guide

Computing For Senior Citizens – Why Seniors Should Own Computers

By: Mike Stancik

For many people, computing is a tool that allows folks to have a hobby either directly, for example, by getting information from the internet or indirectly, i.e. a person likes to cook and therefore visits the Food Channel on line for recipes. What about computing for seniors? What can a senior do with a computer and the internet?

First of all, who are senior citizens? Many people are confused by the term "senior". Very often we see advertisements saying, for example, "Over 55 senior discount available". Others may think of "seniors" as folks at retirement age which technically would be 62 to 65 years old and some think of seniors as living in retirement homes. For the sake of this article I'm going to consider "seniors" as being age 50 and older (in part because one can join AARP at age 50).

For some at any age, using a computer is a frightening undertaking, unfortunately. It is, therefore, not unreasonable to think that seniors would have an even more difficult time understanding computers and computing. For myself (I am 60) I have been involved with computers since the days of the Commodore 64 (around 1980) and even owned a TRS 80 Color computer from Radio Shack (with an amazing 16K of memory)! For me using a computer is not so daunting – not the same for many others however.

The difference between today and years gone by is that modern computers have so many more applications available than ever. During the 80's the computer allowed us to do simple word processing and fool around with spread sheet calculations as well as game playing. The 90's gave us the internet and that changed the way we thought about the usefulness of computers forever. Today we have cell phones with operating systems that give us the world in a package we can hold in one hand. Computers are also somewhat easier to use today (not always!) since many applications are graphically driven and operated with mouse clicks.

How does this apply to seniors and how can seniors take advantage of the computer world today? Let's look at what seniors have available to them through computing.

Social Networking: Facebook, MySpace or just simple emailing is out there. They cost nothing, can be fun and informative and can keep seniors connected with people going back to their high school years.

Blogging: A great way for seniors to express their interests and spread the word. A blog does not have to be public and can be a great way to share information with family and friends.

Article Publishing: Article publishing for seniors? (Wait a minute - didn't I tell you that I was a senior?!?). "Why not?",  is my answer. Seniors have a life full of knowledge and experience that can be shared over cyber space.

These are just a few examples why seniors should be involved in computing and why they should own a computer. I'm sure that there are more reasons than those mentioned, but, for the sake of space of this article I'll leave you with those.

What kind of system would be good for a senior to own? For a suggestion please visit my website and check under our buyer's guide tab for a good recommendation.

Thank you for reading and I hope that if you know an older person who needs convincing about computing that you show them this article!

About the Author

The author, Mike Stancik, has been involved with computing and computers for over 25 years. He is degreed in Busines Administration and Digital Electronics. He has designed and built several blogs and websites, including the most current at http://wesavemoney4u.com.

(ArticlesBase SC #2158801)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computing For Senior Citizens – Why Seniors Should Own Computers

Renting Computers And The Benefits

By: Adriana Noton

Renting computers is something that a lot of people have a lot of doubts about. Most of the time, people do not truly think about renting a computer as the computer being theirs and they do not realize any of the benefits of it. Well, that is what this article is going to explore, some of the benefits that surround renting computers and certainly how it can be used for your business or even for your home. We will also talk about how you can find a computer to rent and where you can find it.

Firstly, you need to get into your head that when you rent a computer, it is your computer for the allotted time frame that you have it. You can truly do anything you want to the computer while you have it, besides destroying it of course. You can save things to is and also use all of its features and different benefits. All of the computers that come back after being rented are reformatted, so there is no information on them.

However, if you do have a lot of information that you are saving to the computer that is sensitive and that you do not want anyone to see, you might want to use a thumb drive. This is just a quick way to transport the information from the rented computer to your own computer if you wanted.

Another benefit of renting over buying is that you do not have to worry about upgrading the computer or any of the hardware that might go inside the computer to expand the memory or the RAM. When renting, you are constantly getting the very best computer that you can get and use. That means you will never, ever have an outdated computer again, you will have the latest and greatest technology possible.

Laptops are also computers that can be rented and they are actually one of the most popular rented computers. The reason is because laptops are expensive and if you constantly have to replace your laptop, it can get costly. This is especially true if you do not use your laptop all that often, so renting is a better option a lot of the time.

Right about now, you are probably asking where you can rent yourself a computer or a laptop and that is not all that difficult to find. To be honest, many companies nowadays are offering up computer rentals because it is becoming so popular. There are also stores that are geared specifically toward the rental customer and there are many benefits of these kinds of stores.

For one, you can actually pay your computer off little by little and when you are renting computers that is an awesome benefit. A lot of rental places where you can pick up a computer allow you to pay week by week as well, so you do not have to save up a huge chunk of money at one time, which is certainly a benefit in this day and age.

The cost of computers is constantly growing and increasing, so when you are renting computers, you can pay over time, which is certainly a great benefit!

About the Author

At low prices and with such convenient access, computer recycling Toronto is an economically viable option for those seeking quality technology. Another recommended alternative is renting computers Toronto, which allows users to conserve money and test the platform first-hand.

(ArticlesBase SC #2166130)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Renting Computers And The Benefits

The Many Options For Computer Service

By: Sunil Punjabi

Most computers come with warranties, but when that warranty runs out, it is a good idea to have a company that you trusts readily available to assist you with any Computer service you need. Even with a company on hand to call, it is important to know the basics about computer repair so you are not hit with a large repair bill that may cost as much as a new computer!

Small repairs should be simple to solve and not need the expertise of a Computer service company. Often times, you can find solutions to your problems by simply searching the Internet. Most computers also come with help options on the software that is installed. Going through these steps can normally fix the problem you are having without the need for a repair company.

Going through these steps will not always be the solution to your problem. There will be times you will need Computer service to fix the issue at hand. If you are lucky, and your computer is still under its warranty period, you can contact the manufacturer to assist with any problems you are experiencing. If it is out of warranty, and you did not purchase the extended warranty, you will need to rely on a service company. Often times, you can contact the manufacturer directly even after the warranty period and they will be able to assist at much less of a cost than independent Computer service companies.

Before deciding to use a Computer service company, you will want to weight the cost. Having a service come in to repair you computer may be costly. You will have to decide if the costs of having them repair your computer is worth it. If you are a business owner, it may be. Losing the use of even one computer at a business could be detrimental to the production of the company so the cost of repairing the computer would be worth it. Once your warranty expires, and you see the need for Computer service you will need to decide which route you want to take with the company you chose. Many companies offer annual contracts for maintenance on your computer. You would pay an annual fee, but know that you can contact them throughout the year and they will assist you with any problems you have. Another option is to pay each time your computer has a problem.

At most times, this is the best option for individual owners. Having an annual contract would be beneficial for business owners who have more than one computer. Owning multiple computers can lead to multiple problems so an annual contract would be useful. Having just one computer, you may never experience the need for Computer service throughout the year so having a contract would not be necessary. You will need to weight both options yourself and decide which one would be the most beneficial for your situation.

PCSoft is a Sydney based computer repair, computer maintenance and Services Company and provides same day onsite computer repairs and computer service anywhere in Sydney and suburbs. Our team of expert, experienced and certified computer repair technicians is just a phone call away - http://www.pcsoft.com.au/

About the Author

I am a Microsoft Certified Professional. I conduct Training and Certification Guidance for Microsoft .Net Certification Courses through my training institute-Sierra Infotech. I also own and manage a SEO Company and article Directory.

(ArticlesBase SC #2184757)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - The Many Options For Computer Service

How Can You Increase Your Computer Performance

By: Charlie Thomson

Basic computer knowledge or/ and appropriate technical assistance can help you increase computer performance. Computers have become an expected supporter in this modern world. One fault in it can create many difficulties. Thus, it is important for every individual using a computer, to have knowledge of certain ways to Increase Computer Performance in order to organize and keep your computer in best state.

In today's emerging and exploring world everyone is engaged with their busy schedule; nobody has time to do some small things like maintaining the balance of their computer. Everyone wants to be online all the time with their high speed internet but if you do not preserve your system appropriately and frequently it will slow down the performance and thus it will exhaust. So, considering regular and timely maintenance of your computer system is a significant aspect.

Let's begin with how to maintain your computer? First thing is you should pay proper attention on Drive C of your computer. It is the drive where most of the work is probably done. It should be your initial priority to clean up this drive on regular basis. As a matter of fact, all the problems begin from Drive C because it is generally the default Drive of your system and all the junk during the installation move on drive C; resulting in accumulation of lot of junk. Therefore, as soon as the installation of the Operating System is complete we should clean the Temps and Prefetch folder manually or with a Licensed Registry and Windows Cleaners. In a month, you should defrag the computer 4-5 times.

Defragging helps in maintaining the files of your computer properly. Defragmentation is a procedure that reduces the quantity of breakup in file systems. Defragment tools already come installed in your operating system. To defrag your computer, you need to click on Start on the left-bottom of your computer screen, then select All Programs and go to Accessories and then select System Tools followed by Disk Defragmenter. After reaching this option you need to Defragment all the drives shown there. If you want to have a good Defragmentation tool you can purchase it through online sources; however, it is always a better option to buy licensed version.

On the other hand, whenever you are installing a program or something else on to your computer it automatically creates unneeded files on your computer which are nothing but junk. So, remove them manually if you can or use an licensed Software to clean your computer. You can also increase your computer speed by adding some extra memory to your computer. Always try to keep your Default Drive safe and clean, don't add unnecessary programs to it.

Finally, you can Increase Computer Performance by keeping it clean and safe from unwanted programs and use only Licensed Software for cleaning your computer junk in drives and registry.

About the Author

Is your computer running slow? You can now find useful tips to increase your computer performance by checking our blog at http://www.computersecurity-protection.com

(ArticlesBase SC #2186003)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - How Can You Increase Your Computer Performance

Computer Repair Options: Fix It Yourself Or Call A Repairman

By: Austin Whitten

Common Computer Problems and Repairs

There are lots of computer problems you could face whether you're dealing with a new computer system or older one. The slowing of computer systems and functions due to malware infestations, computer networking troubles, and fixing parts on the motherboard are all part of the computer repair business whether you choose to fix them yourself or call a specialist.

Calling a computer repair technician gives you the greatest advantage over fixing these types of problems yourself as you will be getting help from an experienced professional. Nevertheless, there are certain signs that signal specific types of computer problems, and before you call a computer repair specialist for help it may be a good idea to partially diagnose the problem yourself.

Networking Troubles

One clear symptom of computer networking troubles is failed communications. If your computer workstations have not been able to connect with each other and are experiencing a great deal of difficulty, this is a sign that something more serious might be occurring. Even though all your hardware, wires, and software have been checked, these types of mysterious problems are all too common for those who work in a computer-networking environment. As such, a computer repair specialist has the knowledge and experience necessary in most cases to fix these problems quickly.

Home Computing

Dealing with your computer at home brings its own set of difficulties and frustrations as there is no other time that you probably want to relax and avoid dealing with more technical issues. Some of the more common problems of home computing include virus and malware infestations as well as lagging computer systems due to other hardware malfunctions. Signs of a virus infestation include a lagging Internet connection, slow download and upload speeds, as well as mysterious changes within the operating system. Hardware malfunction signs include seeing an all-blue screen on your computer or having difficulty with the computer passing the system P.O.S.T. test.

Operating System Failures

Perhaps a more common problem that computer repair specialists see with customers is operating system failures. This happens many times with Microsoft operating systems, and there are varied reasons for it as well. First, the small battery pack on the motherboard may need to be replaced. Other times, a harmful worm or Trojan may have embedded it into a registry file or other location vital to the operating system. In either case, you may not be able to load Windows fully or, once the operating system has loaded, you may not be able to click or perform any normal operations.

Altogether, there are numerous problems that you may face if you own a computer system. One of the most reliable companies in the computer repair industry to get help from is Geeks-in-Route as they have helped thousands of customers all over the United States with everything from computer networking troubles to operating system failures.

About the Author

Geeks-in-Route is a unique computer repair operation as they provide certified technicians to every major city and metropolitan area throughout the country so that help is always nearby. Whether you need a quick virus removal or help re-formatting your hard drive, Geeks-in-Route is quickly becoming a trusted household name in the computer repair industry.

(ArticlesBase SC #2196158)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computer Repair Options: Fix It Yourself Or Call A Repairman

Mac And PC Computer Repair In Playa Del Rey From West LA Computer Services

By: Timmy Vic

Playa del Rey's premier Mac and PC computer repair service is available with West LA Computer Services [WLACS]. We offer the services you need to ensure that your computer or network operates at its very best and are committed to competitively priced, highly effective results.

Mac and PC Computer Repair for Playa del Rey

Get your computer running at its highest capacity by taking it in to Playa del Rey's leading Mac and PC computer repair service. West LA Computer Services is able to fix slow machines with poor performance by addressing software and hardware issues including [but not limited to] loose USB jacks, blue screen errors, malfunctioning components, and monitor issues. Our Mac and PC computer repair gives Playa del Rey access to outstanding laptop and desktop troubleshooting and solutions.

Data Recovery Services for Playa del Rey

We're able to retrieve information and documents that many of our competitors would give up as permanently lost. West LA Computer Services leads Playa del Rey with recovery services that make use of forensic machines, technologically advanced tools, and the knowledge and skills of our technicians to find important data. Our success rate is much higher than other data recovery services in Playa del Rey, making us the leading choice for accessing lost information.

Networking Services for Playa del Rey

West LA Computer Services is able to provide customers with network consultation, management and/or installation. We are experts in setting up or improving wired or wireless network infrastructures. Set up a time with our technicians and have WLACS come into your office or home to map the most effective network solution for your space. We'll then install, upgrade or manage a network with solid performance and stability.

Computer Upgrades for Playa del Rey

Don't buy a brand new computer — let Play del Rey's number one Mac and PC computer repair service upgrade your machine for exceptional performance at the lowest possible price. West LA Computer Services will listen to the exact requirements you have for an upgraded machine before getting to work. From memory or hard drive expansion to graphics and sound card improvement, WLACS' staff is able to breathe new life into an old computer, making it perform better than new.

Virus Removal for Playa del Rey

It's impossible to give our clients effective virus removal without understanding the threats that are currently circulating the internet. That's why West LA Computer Services' technicians are always monitoring the web for the latest new viruses. This vigilant approach to virus removal ensures that we're always able to identify any infection and know the steps necessary for completely removing it and restoring your machine to its proper performance level.

Enjoy a computer or network that gives you reliable performance and stability. Stop by West LA Computer Services or contact our customer support team to discover Playa del Rey's leading Mac and PC computer repair and data recovery services.

For more information on West LA Computer Services and its entire range of Mac and PC computer repair services for Playa del Rey, visit WLACS.

About the Author

Data recovery services Playa Del Rey and MAC & PC Computer repair in Playa Del Rey are the specialty of West LA Computer Services. For more information, visit www.wlacs.com/services/computer-repair-playa-del-rey.php.

(ArticlesBase SC #2197366)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Mac And PC Computer Repair In Playa Del Rey From West LA Computer Services

Why To Shutdown Your Computer Properly Each Time You Are Not Working on It

By: Kay Brenner

There are various reasons why you should shutdown your computer when you are not using it, especially for long periods of time. The main reasons being to save money and prevent damage to your computer. Some people leave their computers on with the argument that the start up process takes too long and leaving the computer on saves them time.

Leaving your computer on all the time can be bad for its health. If there is a sudden interruption to the power supply, this can lead to important data being lost. Overheating can be a problem especially if the computer has not been cleaned or is situated in a very dusty environment, while a computer is on, its fans are constantly running trying to control the temperature of the computer, however if the computer is never switched off, the fans can also attract dust, the dust enters through the fans and becomes lodged within the machine thus causing the machine to overheat. This can become expensive as it will result in hardware failure. Regular cleaning of the inside of the case and all fans is highly recommended, the regularity will depend on where the computer is situated and how dusty its environment is.

Computers that have to be left on for the majority of the time, for example, servers, computers hosting websites and/or games, where there are many users logged in at the one time, it is advisable that these types of computer have a backup in case the machine becomes faulty or has to be shut down for servicing and repairs.

Although updates to the computer can be downloaded while the computer is running they cannot be fully installed until the computer has been shutdown and rebooted. Necessary programs such as Anti virus and spyware require that the computer be rebooted before they can be completely installed. When using a Windows machine, a lot of minor issues can be fixed by simply shutting down and restarting the machine.

Computers also need to be shutdown to protect the RAM, each time the computer is shutdown the memory is wiped clean. Whenever a program is opened it uses up RAM and when the computer is shutdown it is then deleted from the RAM. By keeping the computer turned on is drains on the system resources until the RAM is very low.

Leaving your computer running can be very expensive, as well as not being very cost effective it is also depleting natural resources. It would be good practice to shut down the computer, each time you know that it will not be used for a few hours. Even when the computer is in sleep mode it is still using electricity, therefore to be more efficient the computer should be closed down completely.

Once I had to download lots of software to my PC and I had to let it download overnight, I didnt want to keep my PC turned on all night long after finishing the downloads and at the same time I could not stay awake to wait for it to finish the downloads and turn it off! Therefore I made a VBscript that allows the PC to turn Off automatically in an interactive way !, I assign the minutes the PC will be turned on before shutting down according to how much time the downloads will take, I gave it some little extra time to turn off after the time required for download in case there may be any decrease in speed but at least I wont stay awake nor I will keep my PC turned all night long doing nothing!

About the Author

Kay Brenner is a PC errors consultant who specializes in restoring your slow PC, saving you time and money wrestling with a sick computer. To reclaim your dream machine you first bought, download a free PC Health Check visit http://www.pcdocpro.com

(ArticlesBase SC #2203639)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Why To Shutdown Your Computer Properly Each Time You Are Not Working on It

Fix Slow Computer--Fix Slow Computer Efficiently and Quickly

By: Arial

Slow computer is really a hassle for all the users. No matter how high the computer performance is, it is inevitable for you to suffer from slow computer performance. Do not worry, that is what I want to share with you in this article—how to fix slow computer and improve computer speed quickly.


First of all, let us see how to improve computer performance in the terms of displaying settings.


Here are some advices for you to fix proper settings in your system, because it cannot only increase computer performance but also protect your eyesight. Such as "Screen Protection", "Monitor", "Hibernation" and more. You can turn them off to free up disk space. In this way, the poor computer performance is able to improve much.


You should clean C drive completely as the priority. As a matter of fact, all the systematic programs are put in the C drive. That is to say, if such drive is overburden, it must lag computer speed probably. Therefore, it requires cleaning and defragmenting C drive regularly when you add/remove programs in order to make computer always run fast.


And, if you install too many games and applications into computer, it is probably to slow down computer and drag starting up speed. Therefore, it is better for you to maintain computer thoroughly at proper interval.


Click "Start" > "All Programs" > "Accessories" > "System Tools" > "Maintain Wizard" and then click "OK". It can work for computer now. You need to do such computer maintenance properly so as to optimize computer performance.


As for hard disk, you ought to clean disk fragments once a week in order to speed up computer. You can go to "Start" > "All Programs" > "Accessories" > "System Tools" to start this programs. Do remember to clean the disks where you put systematic files. This is the correct way to improve computer performance.


See, you just need to do a little and then can <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://www.bestregistrycare.com">fix slow computer</a>. If you want to know more about <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://www.bestregistrycare.com">computer performance</a>, you can click that to get more.

About the Author


(ArticlesBase SC #2204220)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Fix Slow Computer--Fix Slow Computer Efficiently and Quickly

Why Does Your Computer Become Much Slower?

By: Amy Zhou

"Why Does Your Computer Become Much Slower?" Have you ever complaint such words to your friends or PC experts hundreds of times? Do you want to get a solution on how to speed up your slow computer instantly? This article discusses 5 ways to tell you how to speed your PC up within 30 minutes. By following the five tips, you can easily make your computer run faster than before! So that you do not need to complaint repeatly "My computer is running slow." any more.

  • #1 Remove or disable those useless startup programs to avoid computer running slow. Lots of PC users frequently download and install applications on their computer. However, most of the programs installed would launch automatically on the computer startup. This will slow down the computer speed because Windows system needs more time to detect and run all of the programs on the startup. You have to wait for a long time to enter the whole system completely. Therefore, to keep your computer running smoothly you should remove or disable the applications. This method can speed your computer up at least 30%.
  • #2 Detect and eliminate virus, malware and Trojan hided on your computer. Many computer running slow problems are caused by those affected files especially the affected system files. You had better scan and clean virus regularly with anti-virus software. Perhaps your computer is running slow just because of the attacking from Trojan, worms and virus. Once they have been removed, your computer will run faster again.
  • #3 Increase RAM of your computer to say good bye to the PC running slow problem. What is the size of the RAM on your PC? My PC RAM is 2GB and I think it is enough for me to play games, surf Internet, watch movies, etc. If I feel my computer running slow I will try to increase RAM in the future.
  • #4 Do you have a bad habit that download many files into your system disk or install programs in it directly? Please don't do that next time. The system disk is full of windows system files and system needs enough hard space to run smoothly. If you stuff a great deal of applications, pictures, video/audio files in the system disk, how it can run at a high speed?
  • #5 Run a free registry scan to fix slow computer. Registry errors will also cause your computer to run extremely slow. The Windows registry is a database repository of information about a computer's configuration. Installing and uninstalling software will make your registry a mess, leading to decreased PC performance and causing computer crashes.

The registry size keeps growing when you use Windows. When the registry becomes very large, your computer's performance will be decayed and unstable. Some computer users even spend a lot of time trying to go through the registry and edit it manually. Not only can this be a daunting task, it is also a risky one. If your PC is still running slow after you try the methods from #1 to #4, I strongly suggest you download some PC repair tools to diagnose your system to see how many registry errors there are on the slow computer so that you don't need to repair PC problems manually. In fact, most of the repair tools are multifunctional and also contain the rescue methods I introduce above.


"Why Does Your Computer Become Much Slower?" To speed your computer up, I highly recommend recommend you get a free computer scan to detect and repair PC system errors from now on.

About the Author

To FREE DOWNLOAD the award-winning REGISTRY SCANNER, speed up your PC and fix registry errors immediately, please visit here: http://www.bestregsoftware.com/

(ArticlesBase SC #2205171)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Why Does Your Computer Become Much Slower?

Computer Speed Problems - How to Increase Your Computer Speed in Two Steps

By: Amy Zhou

Computer speed problems usually obsess a great many of PC users. Recently lots of readers write to me and ask for an accurate solution about fixing computer speed problems. I am here providing you with 2 simple tips to help you increase your computer speed quickly.

What kinds of computer speed problems are you encountering?

The computer startup takes you a long time to enter the whole system. Sometimes you have to wait for more than 5 or 10 minutes when you try to use the computer urgently. It is really a bad experience for each PC user.

The speed of computer running is deathly slow. Whatever you are going to do such as playing games, running applications, surfing the Internet or even opening office files, your computer keeps freezing and takes long time to respond you. You have to restart PC time and time again.

How to fix computer speed problems?

Disable those useless startup programs to increase computer start speed. I believe you have installed many applications before. Do you know how many programs will be launched automatically at the windows startup? In fact, lots of executable files will run automatically when the system boost up. Just find them out and disable the auto-runnig function. After removing startup applications, you will find your computer startup speed problem has been improved obviously.


Many computer speed problems are related to system registry. When you try to install or uninstall programs, the registry of system would be changed and leave your PC invalid or empty registry entries. Too many invalid registry entries of course will slow your computer down. Furthermore, when you surf the Internet some suspicious website will slinkingly implant dangerous plug-ins into your computer. That is why you would feel the computer speed is extremely slow when you visit some webpage. Malicious registry is the destructor absolutely. Therefore, you had better scan and repair registry errors to increase your computer speed with some PC repair tools. Many PC errors repair tools would help you fix and rescue computer speed problems with just a few of clicks. Please remember that an important principle of keeping your computer run like a new one is -- don't be lazy to maintain it regularly.


If you still feel hard to fix computer speed problems. We sincerely suggest you download some registry repair tools to detect and fix PC registry errors for you. Because many PC repair tools is multifunctional and contains rescue methods We introduced above so that you do not need to repair your computer speed problems manually.

About the Author

To FREE DOWNLOAD the award-winning REGISTRY SCANNER, speed up your PC and fix registry errors immediately, please visit here: http://www.bestregsoftware.com/

(ArticlesBase SC #2205350)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Computer Speed Problems - How to Increase Your Computer Speed in Two Steps