Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Avoiding Issues That Can Trigger A Computer To Run Slow

By: Jay Leger

Your brand new home computer system may be a great thing if it runs as it is supposed to. It's pretty exciting to have a new computer up and going. But then what is next? For several of you, you are very comfortable and set to go to work or into the vast world of the Internet. But for others, you possibly will be a bit less excited and in need of further experience. This is why many users of personal PC's may profit from additional computer training. Therefore what are several of the things a home computer user should be taught on? Let's take a look at a few ideas you ought to be aware of to be efficient on your home computer and maintain it running for years in the future. And then get around having your PC being bogged down and begin running slower than it needs to be.

Computer instruction should always include how to do back-ups. If any data is important, you should have two copies of it. Just think of what happens when the spreadsheet you've been using for your financial account balances suddenly gets corrupted. If you don't have an electronic copy of the file, then you will be trapped with re-entering all of the data again. It's important to have a written copy of a document or file, but it's also nice to have a back-up of the actual computer file. With home PC training you can get the skills to know how to best back-up your records, which data storage to back up, and what utilities will best meet your desires.

Next look at a couple of areas that often get overlooked until the computer slows so much it is almost at a standstill. A slow computer may be caused by the need of a disk cleanup and file fragmentation. Home computer training will assist the new computer user realize how to recognize when a computer memory is becoming cluttered, and what to do about it. Data file safeguarding is definitely an essential area that should be covered entirely in this training.

While records get fragmented into dozens of pieces on the computers data storage areas, your computer can become slow. Frequently, third party software creates temporary files when you are using it, and then does not delete these files when you are finished. Also, waste can collect in your recycle bin as well. Put some of these issues with short-term internet files and you can be bogged down very easily by slowing down the PC's access time to it and escalating your wait time for a specific undertaking.

An area that is frequently overlooked by a new computer user is Internet safety measures and the setting up of protections such as firewalls. A first-rate home computer guidance class will cover how to administer  your firewall, and how to optimize your Internet browser to make sure a great experience when surfing the internet.

Everyone of these areas are important when operating a computer. Be sure and concentrate on these when you are joining up for home computer class. A good home computer training class will not only discuss these issues, but go above and beyond in taking you up to speed on fast and easy computer procedures.

About the Author

Learn all about the Computer Running Slow issues and about Computer Runs Slow at www.computerrunsslow.net.

(ArticlesBase SC #2107716)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Avoiding Issues That Can Trigger A Computer To Run Slow

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