Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What to Do When Your Computer Crashes - How To Stop Your Computer Crashing On You

By: Brad Armstrong

What to do when your computer crashes isn't commonly known among computer users. Of course, what steps to take when your computer fails like this isn't something someone generally thinks about until their computer actually crashes.

The reality is that computers aren't designed to be crash-proof. It would certainly be nice if they were, but they aren't. Just understand that a crash is a serious issue, but not the end of the roa and you can fix it.

When Your Computer Crashes.

The first thing to do, although it's more of a preventive measure, is to back up all your files on disc. Losing valuable information could give you some real headaches. By saving this information, you can be assured that if your computer crashes, you won't be banging your head against the wall wishing you had backed up your work.

When your computer crashes, all sorts of things will fly through your mind. Why did my computer crash? Did I get some sort of virus from surfing the internet? Maybe one snuck in when I opened that email I didn't recognize? Don't worry yourself sick over this. There are a hundred and one reasons a computer will crash, and any one of them could be the culprit. Don't panic, and waste time trying to figure out what went wrong. For all you know it could be something as simple as having too many files, and or programs, taking up precious space on your hard drive.

What To Do When Your Computer Crashes.

Setting some time aside to look through your computer files and programs, and delete and uninstall them will probably go a long way in avoiding a computer crash. If they've outlived their usefulness or you simply haven't used them in the last six months, there's a good change you can get along without them and old incompatible programs can cause a crash.

If you feel you will have a future use for this information, albeit rarely, saving it on a separate device that's not part of your computer, is a wise choice. If you save things separately you can retrieve it from that other place.

What To Do When Your Computer Crashes and how to fix it

Anything you can do to prevent losing your information when your computer gets crashed is a plus. Regular maintenance is a must in the school of knowing what to do when your computer crashes. The question is will you remember to do it?

A great way to avoid the potential problems associated with improper maintenance is to run a system and registry scan. This will clean out duplicate files, clear extraneous files that you aren't even aware exist on your computers registry, scan for malware and other issues and a host of other preventative measures that will make it less likely you'll have to deal with answering that question, what to do when your computer crashes. Click here to scan your computer now and stop it crashing.

About the Author

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - What to Do When Your Computer Crashes - How To Stop Your Computer Crashing On You

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