Friday, November 5, 2010

House Hunting With Eflex Computers

By: Eflex Computers

There has never been a better time to buy a house. Prices have dropped, and mortgages are being offered again, so it's not a question of affordability for Eflex Computer lovebirds Gary and Kirstie.

No, the sticking point is location-location!

At the moment the parents-to-be are camping out in the storeroom at the Eflex HQ. It's cosy, if a little claustrophobic. Pretty airless too come to that, but Kirstie has fun popping the bubble-wrap in the evening, while Gary busies himself fashioning cardboard huts. He likes to build a new one each night.

So finding a new home is quite high on the list of priorities for the pair of them, especially with a young 'un on the way.

The sticking point?

Well, Kirstie has her eye on a two-bed job in the swanky, leafy suburbs of Beltup Vue, just off the M5.

Gary fancies the top-floor apartment in the block overlooking Molineaux. It's been vacant for years, and the price has dropped staggeringly…and it looks right over the ground. Gary says the pitch is so lovely you would only have to look out at that, and there would be your countryside view. He reckons if you arranged some pot plants cleverly on the windowsill, you could actually create the impression of a garden from both a standing, and sitting position.

As you can tell, Gary doesn't do gardening.

But Kirstie would adore a little patch for the young Parfitt to run around in, and has been trying to make Gary see sense.

Of course, seeing sense is what Gary is good at. After all he realised how he could make a successful business with refurbished cheap laptops, and PCs, and has built up an ever-expanding computer company.

It doesn't help Kirstie that Paul has been sticking his oar in. Paul lives near Molineaux too, and in fact it was he who pointed out the apartment to Gary. For some reason Paul had his binoculars with him one day and just happened to be gazing up at the block of flats when he saw the "For Sale" sign on the window, and immediately rang his pal.

Gary went to have a look at lunchtime, and fell in love with the place. Paul did too, but obviously he wasn't Kirstie, so that wasn't much good.

Gary has been using all his business savvy to persuade Kirstie that buying this apartment actually makes sense because a) it is cheap, and b) it would be an ideal first-time buyer investment.

It would give them time to save more, and buy an even better place in a few years time, whereas if they go all out for swank now, they will find it harder to move on later.

Kirstie wasn't sure if that was quite right at first, but Gary's pretty good with the psychology…and Kirstie has now started to wonder.

To be honest the only thing Kirstie has really been worried about is the lifts. As we all know, lifts have a tendency to become public lavatories, and Kirstie is not too keen on the idea of going up and down in a toilet every day.

Paul says that's easy to get over – Kirstie should just stick some bubble-wrap up her nostrils before getting into the lifts, because bubble wrap is known for its' odour absorption. Kirstie has threatened to stuff the bubble wrap somewhere on Paul where the sun doesn't shine.

So for now, it's back to the storeroom and cardboard huts for Gary and Kirstie, while Paul continues to wander around the streets with his binoculars…

To be continued.

About the Author

(ArticlesBase SC #2659439)

Article Source: - House Hunting With Eflex Computers

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