Brand New Android Contenders
Author: tanmay123
T-mobile MyTouch Phone
Pros of this model
The T - mobile My Touch phone has the latest addition - the 3 G Slide. T - Mobile My Touch 3 G slide is equipped with a right slide keypad with Q W E R T Y interface. The symbols share space with the letter keys, but it gets easier to type faster once you get familiar with it. The T - Mobile My Touch 3 G Slide is fit with the latest rendering of Android, the 2.1 version, and has all the functions that the version is capable of. The ergonomic and compact phone also comes with a spanking new user friendly vibe that is incorporated in the feel as well as the sleek looks. The exceptional calling quality gets some points, as does the remarkably fast 3 G functions. There are also some excellent additional applications, like the My Touch Music. The LG Lotus Elite is also somewhat similar in subtle ways.
Cons of this Model
The updates on the Fave gallery are not really up to date all the time, and the information is more or less redundant. The comparatively below par camera also takes away points.
Buy or Not???
Albeit not a leader of the Android pack in terms of flashiness, the T Mobile My Touch 3 G Slide is a worthwhile buy, especially for first time smart phone users, the on par features as well as the interface, which is extremely on the user friendly side.
Palm Pre Plus
Pros of this Model
Web OS, with all its immense advantages like excellent contacts managing as well as higher levels of multitasking, has been introduced to the A T & T. Palm Pre Plus is also inclusive of an inductive cover, which enables Touchstone charging. The Q W E R T Y keypad has undergone some renewal to the better, when compared to the Palm Pre. The camera measures a decent 3 mega pixels, and video editing has also become a lot easier.
Cons of this Model
The Palm Mobile Hotspot application is not supported by A T & T Palm Pre Plus, and this may be rather a let down to the many fans of this app. The battery could also have come with better life.
Buy or Not???
Web OS alone is responsible for the Palm Pre Plus being among the better phones in the A T & T touch screen smart phone line up. The steep price may make many consumers think twice before splurging. May be you can consider the L G Lotus Elite.
Sprint htc evo 4g
Pros of this Model
Performance in the model has been greatly enhanced. The design has been made superior to the previous, as well as the display. The dearth of key features which was palpable in the previous iPhone has been sorted, and the iOS 4 update is really useful as well.
Cons of the Model
Multitasking is not up to the mark, and one has to be inconvenienced in some way to multitask. The reception makes for a sub par call quality, and a case is required to increase reception. Also a 64 G B model would have been more on the spot. The 12 app limit on the home screen folders is also not much fun.
Buy or Not???
Its htc after all, and in spite of the spotty reception as well as the sub par call quality, the Sprint htc evo 4g scores points on design, features as well as performance.
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