Monday, November 22, 2010

The Best Way Of Buying Computer Hardware

By: manoj kumar

Computer hardware is an important requirement of your personal computer (PC).  But it is often seen that  most of the people pay more attention buying computer software which ultimately leads to replacing them frequently due to constant attack of viruses. They simply ignore the fact that a good quality of computer hardware is as important as computer software. Hence, to get rid of this problem you should purchase go for quality computer hardware.

A sound knowledge of computer hardware is an important aspect before you buy any them. It can be a perplexing job if you are an amateur. You need to look at various aspects such as their performance, storage, capacity , compatibility along with the size of the other hardware in your PC.  It is not as easy as buying groceries from a store. There are a number of computer hardware and they all have a different function to play. Some of them contribute to the function while others are used for storing information.    

For instance, motherboard is an essential part of your PC. It has resistors, diodes and capacitors  which make logical and electrical connection of the computer system. The motherboard is found in the CPU (central processing unit) which performs various mathematical functions and also called brain of the computer. It consists of a visual display controller that helps you with good resolution so that you can watch images, videos and flash images with a better clarity.  It is to be taken into consideration that you buy all the components of the computer.

RAM is an essential computer hardware and you need to make sure it should have sufficient memory to support smooth functioning of various software. This is the reason it becomes so important to buy high quality computer hardware for proper and smooth functioning of your computer and its software.

Most of the people have this misconception that buying only branded computer hardware would safeguard them against any fake and cheap hardware components. However, it is not true in fact the branded computer dealers cannot guarantee a fair deal.

To save yourself from low quality computer hardware you may buy computer hardware on line with various computer hardware dealers. These dealers provide you standard computer hardware at an economical price. You may also choose to purchase hardware from different dealers present on line and then assemble them.

It is advisable while buying computer hardware you must pay attention to specification and performance needed. For example hard drives with large capacities are essential. You would also need up to date new processor. Make sure your PC does not overheat daily to avoid any future complications.  

You could also look for on line auctions for computer hardware. The important thing you should keep in mind while shopping at an on line auction, is to read feedback of the dealer from whom you are buying. This would certainly help you to make a wise decision.

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Computers Point -All information about the computers -Latest Software and computer Hardware Accessories Point.

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Article Source: - The Best Way Of Buying Computer Hardware

Computer Running Slow - How to Fix Your Slow running Computer and Get Rid of Any Malware

By: Brad Armstrong

Getting unusual behaviour in your computer means there is something wrong with it which needs immediate action before it gets worse. To make sure that your computer is in top shape and for it to run smoothly as it used to there are several things you can do to achieve this and stop your computer running slow.

Running windows updates for a start will keep your windows files and security updated. Some computer owners don't really bother to or do not know know how to do this and they don't even delete old files in their computers and just let junk accumulate.

These are the two main reasons why their computers are open to all sorts of attacks especially if it's open to the internet. To make sure that your computer is updated regularly, click windows start menu, click all Programs and then select windows update.

Then you will see the windows update site where you would need to choose express update and then your computer will be updated. The next thing to do is to go to your control panel and then choose the security centre icon. Once you have done that, you must turn on the automatic updates.

Another method you can do is to remove or delete adware or spyware or other malicious software. These will gather personal information without your consent and will even steal passwords, credit card information and if you use PayPal or any other payment processors on your computer you may suddenly find that your account has been emptied because your password was compromised. Doing this will not just stop your computer running slow but will protect it as well.

you need to make sure that your computers antivirus software is updated. Your computer might already be infected with viruses and other malicious software if you are frequently getting pop ups on your screen so the first thing you need to do is a complete scan of your system.

Running a system and registry scan will also help to get rid of your computer errors and corruption. Most of the time error messages and other computer problems are caused by computer registry errors. These in turn can be caused by viruses and spyware software stored in the registry. If they are left untreated they may corrupt your computer and cause your entire system to crash.

Running a system and registry scan on your computer after a complete virus scan will get rid of all the unwanted and corrupted files that you have inside your computer system and soon,your computer will be up and running fast again and you will stop your computer running slow. Click here to scan your computer now.

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Here is the #1 resource for a slow windows computer to speed up your computer now just click here

(ArticlesBase SC #3020438)

Article Source: - Computer Running Slow - How to Fix Your Slow running Computer and Get Rid of Any Malware

Why Your Computer Can Slow Down

By: Todd Alcock

As the owner of EZ Computer Repair, an Orange County, California computer service company specializing in everything from virus and spyware protection to system upgrades to wireless network setups, Todd Alcock is often hired to address the issue of slow personal computers. According to him, there are certain types of software and user habits that can work to slow down a computer.


Maybe this type of scenario sounds all too familiar to you: Your fingers are busy typing away on your computer, but your machine doesn't seem to be responding. You try using your mouse to move to a different program, and nothing changes, despite your persistent double clicking. You then come to the disappointing realization that taking a bat to your computer, therapeutic as it may be, is not going to solve the problem at hand.


When it comes to computers, the one thing with which computer users across the board can commiserate is the frustration involved in slow, non-responsive computers. And to make matters worse, the issue of sluggish computer response time is not limited to older machines. Even some of the latest and most expensive models on the market can slow down due to a variety of factors.


Regardless of how old your computer is, you may encounter the same problem that it takes its time when responding to your commands. But what can you do to prevent computer slowdowns? As a seasoned IT whiz, I have faced the inquiry many times before. There are certain types of software and user habits that can work to slow down a computer. Therefore, it's important to get a good sense of just how much running software on your computer can handle in order to maximize its efficiency.


Antivirus Software: When it comes to slow computer issues, antivirus software is often the culprit. On the other hand, antivirus software is also something that no user should ever go without (unless, of course, he's willing to run the risk of losing his data and the use of his machine to a malicious virus). So the key is to limit your antivirus software to one program only. In my experience, people tend to get a little crazy with antivirus software by putting three or four different programs on their computers at the same time. The problem with doing this is that multiple programs end up competing with each other for memory, slowing down your computer even more. So if you're looking to speed up your computer, you should limit yourself to just one form of antivirus software, and preferably one that is known not to drain computer memory. If you're not sure what type of antivirus software is best for you, then an IT consultant such as Alcock can help.


Temporary Files: Aside from antivirus software, other aspects of computer usage can also work to slow it down, including the creation of temporary files. Also known as "temp files," temporary files are files that most programs automatically create for backup purposes. Let's say you're working on a Microsoft Word document when the program suddenly crashes. Chances are, you'll be able to recover the version of the document you created, even if you didn't save it, because a temp file was automatically generated. While temporary files serve an important purpose, they can also accumulate on your hard drive and cause your computer to slow down over time. To combat this problem, go through your computer and try to delete all of your unnecessary temporary files. If you are not sure how to do this, contact an experienced computer service professional for help.


Running Programs: The presence of too many running programs tends to slow down computers as well. Most people don't realize that there's a difference between installing programs and having them set to run. When you add a new program to your machine, it may have components (such as update features) that are set to run automatically upon startup. To avoid this problem, you can simply remove any unwanted or rarely-used programs from your startup menu. This won't uninstall such programs. Rather, it will simply prevent them from unnecessarily draining your computer's resources and slowing it down for no good reason.


Dealing with a slow computer is far from fun whether you rely on your personal computer for business or for pleasure. Now that you're aware of the factors that will slow down your computer, you can take steps to fix the problem and improve your user experience on a whole.


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(ArticlesBase SC #3021953)

Article Source: - Why Your Computer Can Slow Down

Important Tips for First Time Computer Users

By: James Madison

Whether you are an experienced computer user or using computer for the first time, you must keep certain simple things in mind. Otherwise, due to some common mistakes you might have to pay big price. The first thing you should remember that you are using a sophisticated electronic devise and it certainly needs to be handled with care. There are many computer services company that offer tech support to deal with PC related issues.

In many cases it is seen that the computer users don't shut down the computer properly. They just switch off the power button. This is very dangerous. If you do the same thing repeatedly, the operating system of the computer can crash or hard drive can also go out of order. Both of these two things can give you headache. To avoid this, shut down the computer properly. Go to the start menu and chose to shut down your computer.

Don't forget to save your work. Even the experienced computer users also make this silly mistake. For instance, you have worked really hard to prepare a document. And now how frustrating it is if you shut the computer down without saving it. In fact, it is better to save the work in regular interval.

Back up your important data. Since computer is an electronic device, it can malfunction anytime. Your important data might also be lost due to virus problem. So, it is better to back up your data in regular basis. You can use CD, DVD or an external hard drive in this regard. In the market, you will get external hard drive of various sizes and prices. These are also very easy to set up. Just you need to connect the devise to your computer and then select the option to back up your computer.

Another most important thing is that, you should never delete unknown files on your computer. There are a number of important files that help the operating system to run properly and perform the computer well. If you delete an important file, this will do some serious damage to your computer and it can crash. If you aren't sure about the importance of the file, you can talk to a computer help provider, or you can browse internet.  

If you are using internet, your PC might get affected by viruses anytime. So, it better to use antivirus software to protect your computer from viruses and other malicious objects. There are a number of antivirus software available in the market. Avast, Kaspersky, Symantec, AVG, etc. are some of the renowned names in this regard. You can try with their trial versions. If the experience is satisfactory, go for the full version.

These are some common tips that you must keep in mind to enjoy the best computing experience.

About the Author

Due to some simple mistakes you can lose important data. Although, data recovery services are there but to avail that you need to contact a computer repair company.

(ArticlesBase SC #3022406)

Article Source: - Important Tips for First Time Computer Users

Keeping Your Digital Information Safe And Secure With The Right Calgary Computer Repair Services

By: Vikram Kumar

In this day and age, with computers in just about every household across the country, many people also choose to keep important information such as bank details and their accounts on their computers. This is only natural because computers provide an easy and convenient method of storage for information that would otherwise take up row upon row of shelf space in paper form.


The problem with this, however, is that since most people also connect their computers to the internet, other people are able to gain indirect access to their computers in the form of viruses and other malware. This can be an extremely dangerous situation to be in, as the sensitive information stored on your computer can sometimes allow malicious individuals to wreak havoc by stealing your identity, using your bank account details, and various other terrible things.


The best way to prevent or remedy such problems is to hire the right Calgary computer repair services. Companies that offer Calgary computer repair services specialize in diagnosing problems with your computer and solving them in the fastest and most efficient manner possible. Viruses, for example, can be removed with the right skills and software, without further damaging the infected files and the files around them. This can be extremely important especially if you do not keep physical copies of your digital files.


Why Calgary Computer Repair Services


Of course, some people who experience problems with their computers attempt to fix those problems on their own. While this may be an admirable approach to take with many things in life, fixing computers is not one of those things. Without the help of competent Calgary computer repair services, you will probably find yourself making the problem worse, and eventually having to do a clean install, wiping out all your precious data from your hard drive.


With proper Calgary computer repair services, however, you will get the best possible help with your problems from experts who have many years of experience in the field of repairing computers. Furthermore, you can rest assured that your digital information will be safe in their hands, and that you will get back a computer that is not only free of viruses, but still contains all of the important information that you wish to protect keep safe.


Of course, you should always check out a service before using it, and Calgary computer repair services are no different. The best Calgary computer repair services companies offer free diagnosis services, so you can simply have them come down and take a look at your computer to find out exactly what your problem is, before you decide whether or not you actually wish to engage their services.



The price that you pay for engaging the right Calgary computer repair services is small in comparison to the amount of time, effort and value that you might lose if you were to lose all of the information that you stored on your computer.

About the Author

With the best Calgary computer repair services from the Ducktoes Calgary computer repair  company, your computer will not only be free of viruses, but running quickly and smoothly when you get it back from them!

(ArticlesBase SC #3022644)

Article Source: - Keeping Your Digital Information Safe And Secure With The Right Calgary Computer Repair Services

The Right Calgary Computer Repair Services That Go Above And Beyond

By: Vikram Kumar

If you have found it necessary to engage Calgary computer repair services previously, then you most probably have an idea of the basic tasks that Calgary computer repair services are able to fulfil for you. However, unless you engaged the best in Calgary computer repair services, you would not have seen all that a good Calgary computer repair company would have to offer you in the way of services and free gifts.


The best Calgary computer repair services also come with a number of free options that are aimed at giving you, the consumer, greater satisfaction. If the Calgary computer repair company that you last hired did not provide any of these free options, then you should definitely think seriously about making a switch.


The best Calgary computer repair services companies will offer a pick-up and delivery service, picking up your computer from your home and dropping it off when it is fully repaired – entirely free of charge. This is because the best Calgary computer repair companies understand that you operate under a busy schedule, so they aim to make the experience of repairing your computer better for you.


In addition, the best Calgary computer repair services also come with free optimization options. Optimization involves making your computer run as quickly and efficiently as your hardware components will allow. Most of the time, even if your computer is not suffering from particular problems with viruses or malware, it is still not running at maximum capacity due to improper settings or an overload of programs that make use of the processor at the same time. By removing unnecessary components and only activating them when necessary, you will be able to speed up your computer noticeably.


Also, the best Calgary computer repair services companies will give you incentives to make use of their services again. Ducktoes computer repair, for example, will do every fifth repair entirely for free. This shows real commitment to customer satisfaction, and if definitely an indicator of a company that will put in the necessary effort to ensure that you have a problem-free and smooth transaction with them.


Learning From Your Mistakes


The best Calgary computer repair companies will also help you learn from your mistakes. Whereas some Calgary computer repair companies might not be willing to teach you so that you will have to return to them for Calgary computer repair services, companies like Ducktoes computer repairs are more than willing to help you learn the best ways to keep your computer from getting infected with viruses and other malware again. This will ensure that you have a better experience using your computer without the need to waste time and money engaging Calgary computer repair services any more than you absolutely have to.


Finally, the best Calgary computer repair companies will do their job with a smile. Too many customers have suffered through surly workmen who were unwilling to provide them with any information about the repair process. With the right Calgary computer repair companies, you will not have to worry about any such problems.

About the Author

For the best Calgary computer repair services to be had from the best Calgary computer repair company in the business, you should turn to none other than Ducktoes computer repair for all your problem-solving needs.

(ArticlesBase SC #3022660)

Article Source: - The Right Calgary Computer Repair Services That Go Above And Beyond

Clean up Computer - How to Repair Computer Errors?

By: uu9991

If you want to repair computer errors, cleanup the Windows registry and improve computer speed you go on to read this article. Computer is used constantly in day today's life to such an extent that its security is threatened because the use of internet invites virus, worms and other nasty software. Registry includes many security features to protect the computer from these risks. It enables a user to change common settings without using administrative privileges. He can use all the applications without the fear of getting crashed. Registry consist latest modes so that the data base storage may not be deleted or changed. It protects the computer from the risks of spoofing.

Our complete dependence on computer forces to install as much as application on our computers and this leads into registering of wrong applications to the registry and computer is slowed down. So a user can protect his computer with new outbound filtering. A user is not to worry before using any website.

The use of personal computer bearing all the information has given place to its theft. Almost all the files of the businessman or the industrialists are installed in their personal computer and the miscreants find out the way to know the password as well as the ID of the user. In this way he can get all the confidential reports and details of his business. Getting all the information, he can stand against his competitor in the market and ruin his business

To repair computer errors, cleanup the Windows registry and improve computer speed you need to clean up your registry. The personal computers bearing all the information and the details are at the top of the list of the thieves. One reason they are used for their business purpose and secondly the stolen computers are sold in the market at the cheaper rates. New computers are so costly that a person feels no harm in buying an old computer but this computer can be a stolen piece and the buyer as well as the seller can be in trouble. The stolen computer registry foils hardware theft and gives confidence to the buyers. When a computer is lost, the make, model and serial number of the computer is entered into related database which gives information of the owner of the computer.

Now you know how important registry cleaner for computer user is especially to repair computer errors, cleanup the Windows registry and improve computer speed.

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(ArticlesBase SC #3024806)

Article Source: - Clean up Computer - How to Repair Computer Errors?

3 Tips to banish "My Computer is very slow"

3 Tips to banish "My Computer is very slow"

By: Frank Schwegler

"My Computer is very slow" is muttered by all computer users. Unless a computer has been infected by a virus the biggest cause of computer slow down is actually you, me, and everyone who uses a PC. We all surf the web. Internet Explorer downloads all the pretty pictures that make a web page look exiting, to its "Temporary Internet directory for quick retrieval. With time this directory becomes huge, unless it is cleaned out.

To increase your computers performance, the first thing to do is to try and clear up your disk space. Go to Start -> Programs, -> Accessories, -> System Tools, and then run the Disk Cleanup utility. The utility will calculate how much space will be freed. Once it finishes, it'll give you a list of files to be delete. Some files will be checked but you can go through  the list to decide which ones you want to have deleted. You should the files in the following folders:

  1. your recycle bin,
  2. temporary files on your computer ( the TEMP directory)
  3. the Temporary Internet folder.

 Run an Anti virus scan next. You should run an anti-virus program whenever you have finished surfing the web. Once the anti-virus has completed,  run an anti-spyware program as well. These programs should be updated regularly - most come with automatic updates. To prevent any further problems, run a full system scan regularly. Taking these preventative measures can stop "My computer is very slow".

What is the registry? Your computers registry is a repository that contains the system information about computer. Whenever you do anything on your computer, such as remove files/pictures, delete applications, install programs, download/upload, etc., this information is store in your computers registry The registry becomes cluttered with invalid file pointers. Your system is slowed down by these invalid entries, causing your applications to crash and will cause your computer to perform slowly.

Run a registry scan next. You do not need to be a computer geek to begin cleaning the registry of your computer, thanks to the availability of registry cleaners. Registry cleaners are computer programs designed for easier cleaning of your computer registry for better performance.

Increasing your computer speed is not difficult with a registry cleaner and does not require any serious technical skills at all. A registry cleaner will repair you registry and keep your computer running at maximum performance. Keep the registry clean so your computer will STAY running faster!

If you would like to download a free Registry scan program, then click this link: Free Registry Cleaner

Have you tried all the tips above but your computer is still running slowly or slower than you would like, then click on the link below to find more solutions on "My computer is very slow" once and for all. You can put an end to all that frustration! Click NOW! Stop dealing with "My computer is very slow".

About the Author

I run my own Internet Marketing business and a slow computer was losing me money and time until I discovered

(ArticlesBase SC #3028771)

Article Source: - 3 Tips to banish "My Computer is very slow"

Fix My Slow Running Computer - How to Make Your Computer Run Twice as Fast

By: Brad Armstrong

What can be more frustrating is when you have important deadlines to meet and your ever-reliable computer behaves differently and you suddenly have a slow running computer. Its fast processing has turned into snails pace. It is very annoying when you need more than 5 minutes for a web page to load.

It is very disappointing for software applications to take forever in order to run and start. What is the best way to fix your pc if you are using a computer that is not even that old?

The way to fix your computers slow performance is by first utilizing a spyware scan. This can easily detect any malware, spyware or adware that has got inside your computer. The spyware cleaner would be best in getting rid of these culprits that affect your computers slow performance. Most good antivirus software will have this built in to help improve a slow running computer.

Malicious software can actually be the main culprit of your computers performance and cause a slow running computer. In this case a spyware cleaner can help eliminate it. Antivirus software is a good way to do this and get rid of viruses, spyware or malware that's already in your computer.

If by any chance that you cannot find anything suspicious in your computer the next step is to check for trojans. Contrary to what you may think antivirus software will not always detect malicious software. This is because it is adept at disguising itself and a virus scan only passes over each part of the disk very quickly while trojans and malware are not operating all the time.

This is one reason they are hard to detect. You can download a free software like malwarebytes anti malware that can detect them and help you to remove them.

When you have successfully removed viruses, malware or spyware in your computer. The next step is to run a  system and registry cleaner. You may do this online. All you have to do is perform a scan to check if your computer or the registry is corrupted, damaged or infected. Trojans, malware and viruses may have bypassed the first two steps but they cannot run without having registry entries and a good scanner will find anything unusual in the registry and computer and help you fix it quickly.

After you have done this you will find you no longer have a slow running computer and that it runs like new again.

The registry of a computer is usually overlooked at by most PC users. This is why most users do not resort to cleaning their PC's registry. They look for immediate solutions that do not actually fix their computers slow performance. runnnig these steps will speed your computer up and make it tun faster. Click here to scan your computer now.

About the Author

Here is the #1 resource for a slow windows computer to speed up your computer now just click here

(ArticlesBase SC #3029781)

Article Source: - Fix My Slow Running Computer - How to Make Your Computer Run Twice as Fast

Slow Computer Performance - Make Your Computer Run Faster in Under 60 minutes

By: Brad Armstrong

If your computer has been performing slower than it used to do then it is best to follow these simple steps that will help repair this unusual behavior. It would be best to follow these steps before you purchase a new computer and you can fix slow computer performance without spending a fortune.

#1 It is inevitable that your computer has accumulated lots of unused and useless files that consume so much space on your hard drive. These files actually cause your computers poor performance. Since the computers RAM is limited as well it can only process a certain amount of data. To repair this problem all you have to do is to run the disk cleanup utility in your PC. This will automatically remove and compress your files. To do this just click on the systems tools folder under accessories on your start menu and then run the tool to help improve computer performance.

#2 It is a must for every computer to have an antivirus program. This will help eliminate viruses that affect your computers performance.  You can use this to do virus scans on a regular basis. It will look for viruses and quarantine and kill them. Having no antivirus software while you are on the internet is like walking round with your wallet open so everyone can see inside. Do not take this risk. this will protrct your PC and help slow computer performance.

#3 Another way to repair slow computer performance is by utilizing an anti-spyware program. Spyware is lethal to your computer. They have malicious routines that self install on your computer and will simply cause irregularities in your computers performance and this is only the tip of the it. They can compromise and steal everything you store, including passwords, financial data and anything else. Some just take credit card details and passwords and you if you are not careful you will not even know until it is too late.

#4 Your computer registry is hidden away and most people do not know what it is. It actually acts as data storage. It contains registry files that are needed to startup programs in your computer and run them. It is very difficult to read the files kept in the registry and if errors occur it can be very hard to find them unless you know what you are looking at.

The registry also informs windows of the programs that need to run in your PC at startup, stores user profiles and remembers application settings in your PC. The computer registry is bound to get corrupted. Once corrupted windows performance is affected and you end up with slow computer performance.

To fix this you can download a system and registry scanner which will tell you if there are any errors in the windows registry or elsewhere on your computer and if there are you can fix them in minutes and get rid of slow computer performance right away. Click here to scan your computer right now.

About the Author

Here is the #1 resource for a slow windows computer to speed up your computer now just click here

(ArticlesBase SC #3029790)

Article Source: - Slow Computer Performance - Make Your Computer Run Faster in Under 60 minutes

How to Fix Computer Error Message?

By: bbbccss98

It's not easy to work on your computer, if you keep getting constant computer error messages. Do you often wonder how to fix computer error messages once and for all? Some users will get the common symptoms of a defective computer registry like your computer is running much slower than before and it keeps stopping at critical times when its under a heavy processing load. You are finding it difficult to add additional hardware or software to your computer and even if you do it does not work well.

Your personal computer does not start up or stop on time and it's slow to process your commands. You need to reboot your computer repeatedly and it's already showed the blue screen of death a few times. There is a simple way you can catch all such errors very easily. All you have to do is download registry cleaner software and you can get your computer back to normal as soon as possible. Fix your computer error messages cannot be done manually, even if it is possible, you have to be an expert.

Why do I need to use a registry cleaner and how to fix computer error messages with it?
The Internet is pretty seductive with a lot of absolutely free software present for download. No matter how careful you are you can't help downloading a few of the better software's so matter how outdated and even incompatible they are with your operating system.

These wrongly written programs cannot be reinstalled or uninstalled easily and leave being fragments which are really confusing to the computer and its normal running.

A good way to evaluate whether you need registry cleaner software is to answer these questions:

- Have you recently installed software updated drivers?

- Do you have any software that once installed did not work well and you did not use it as a result?

- Did you at any time have a Virus, Spyware infecting your files and your computer?

- Do you always download a lot of computer software and computer games?

Removing old software or old hard ware never leaves your computer completely free of errors and a few fragments are always present on your computer registry. These entries are responsible for corrupting your computer and slowing it down.

Is it possible to fix computer error message with a registry cleaner? Yes, its possible to fix computer error message with a registry cleaner. Registry cleaner software works on the simple principle that almost all computers have a lot of unused and unnecessary software on the computer registry. At start up all these programs compete to start at the same time which happens to confuse the computer and thus slows down the computer a lot.

Almost all registry cleaner software runs on a well written program which is responsible for sifting through your computer registry for almost every variety of common computer error like unused programs and old programs, partially removed programs, lost files and half removed short cuts, effective devices, fonts and configuration files.

A good registry cleaner software program can sift through the thousands of files and programs in your computer and remove all faulty programming found in your Computer Registry which can slow down and cause the infamous blue screen of death. If you want to know an easy and guaranteed way how to fix your computer error message solution; then you've got to get a registry cleaner.

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(ArticlesBase SC #3032927)

Article Source: - How to Fix Computer Error Message?

Top 3 Strategies For Easy Computer Speed Up

By: Frank Schwegler

"Computer Speed up" is muttered by all computer users. We all surf the web. Internet Explorer downloads all the pretty pictures that make a web page look exiting, to its "Temporary Internet directory" for quick retrieval. With time this directory becomes huge, unless it is cleaned out. You cannot avoid your computer performance to degrade over time, this is because we install and remove programs. We do not realize how much stuff we collect with time. Without adding more RAM to your computer or spending more money, these simple steps will make your computer speed up again and have the same speed as the day you bought your computer.

To increase your computers performance, the next thing to do is try and clear up your disk space. The disk cleanup utility is accessed by clicking on the Start Menu, then got to Programs, Accessories, finally choose System Tools. Once started, the utility will calculated how much space will be freed. Once it finishes, it'll give you a list of files to delete. Some files will be checked but you can go the list to decide which ones you want to have deleted. You should  empty out your recycle bin , delete the temporary files on your computer and Temporary Internet directory.

This next step is to run an anti-virus scan. Hopefully you do have an anti-virus program installed on your computer. No, you are just asking for more trouble. Install and run the program. This will take some time depending how many files are on your drive. Best to auto-start it when you are away from your computer.

What is the registry? Your computers registry is a repository that contains data from everything it is you do on your computer. You see, whenever you do anything on your computer, such as remove files/pictures, remove programs, install programs, download/upload, etc., this information is store in your computers registry The registry becomes cluttered with invalid file pointers. Your system is slowed down by invalid entries, causing your applications to crash and will cause your computer to perform slowly

Increasing your computer speed is not difficult with a registry cleaner and does not require any serious technical skills at all. A registry cleaner will repair you registry and keep your computer running at maximum performance.

Taking these preventative measures can stop can stop you pleading "Please Computer speed up".

If you would like to download a free Registry scan program, then click this link:

Free Registry Cleaner

Have you tried all the tips above but your computer is still running slowly or slower than you would like, then click on the link below to find more solutions on Computer Speed Up tips.

Click NOW! Stop dealing with a slow computer anymore.

About the Author

I run my own Internet Marketing business and a slow computer was losing me money and time until I discovered

(ArticlesBase SC #3035387)

Article Source: - Top 3 Strategies For Easy Computer Speed Up

The Best Calgary Computer Repair Service

By: Vikram Kumar

Have you ever found yourself in the situation where your computer is slower than a tortoise with a hare on its back, shutting down for no apparent reason, and just generally not performing as it should be? You are most definitely not alone in your problems, and there are a great many other people facing the same sorts of problems. Many of these people are at a loss as to just how to get their computer working properly again, and end up simply wiping their hard drive and reinstalling their operating system. While this is definitely an extremely effective cure for viruses and various other computing problems, it will also cause you to lose all of the data that you have stored on your hard drive, including important information, pictures, music, and anything else that you might have saved to your computer's hard drive.


If you live in or near Calgary, however, you can prevent yourself from falling into the same category of people. All you need to do is engage the right Calgary computer repair service to repair and restore your computer to its original working state. Instead of having all of your data wiped from your hard drive in order to get rid of the virus or whatever problem is plaguing your computer, the specialists from the right computer repair Calgary service will be able to isolate your problem and deal with it without having to touch any of your existing files.


When you engage a computer repair Calgary service, however, you need to make sure that you engage the right company to do your computer repairs. Otherwise, you might end up in worse position that you would have been in if you had simply left your computer alone. The problem is that removing viruses and other malware from a computer without touching your existing files is a very delicate process, so you need only the best Calgary computer repair professionals who are able to accomplish this challenging task without doing more harm than good.


How To Choose The Right Calgary Computer Repair Service


One of the best indications of whether a particular computer repair Calgary service is legitimate and honest in its intentions is whether or not they charge a consultation fees. Some Calgary computer repair services make their money simply by charging people an exorbitant fee for consultation services, and nothing else. The best computer repair Calgary services, such as Ducktoes computer repair, will provide free consultation services, so that you know exactly what is wrong with your computer, what they have to do to fix it, and how much it will cost you, before you have to make any decision that will involve you handing over any of your hard-earned money.


Furthermore, only the Calgary computer repair services that are most confident about their ability to repair your computer will provide a guarantee on all of their work. Companies such as Ducktoes computer repair Calgary services guarantee all of the work that they do on your computer, so that if anything goes wrong, they will take full responsibility for it.

About the Author

If you need a Calgary computer repair service for your ailing computer, then you need look no further than the Ducktoes Computer repair Calgary service for the best in the business.

(ArticlesBase SC #3038585)

Article Source: - The Best Calgary Computer Repair Service

What A Good Computer Repair Calgary Service Can Do For You

By: Vikram Kumar

While most people these days know how to make use of a computer, those people do not have an in-depth understanding of how a computer truly operates, making it very difficult for them to fix a computer if something were to go wrong with it. If you number among these people, then you are most definitely not alone. A great many people these days have problems with their computers, mainly because of viruses and other malware that have spread through the internet like the plague through a densely populated city.


The best way of dealing with problems like this is to engage a good Calgary computer repair service. The right computer repair Calgary service will be able to make all the repairs and adjustments to your computer that you would require to get it in proper working condition again.


The first and most important thing that a good Calgary computer repair service will specialize in is removing viruses from your computer without having to disturb any of your existing information and data. This is probably among the most difficult things to do with a computer, because today's computer viruses are extremely well-programmed and are very difficult to remove without affecting the rest of the information and data stored on a computer.


Another service that a good computer repair Calgary company should offer is optimization. This will tune up your computer and adjust it to its optimum settings so that it will run at the maximum speed and efficiency that your system components should allow. The best Calgary computer repair companies will even offer optimization services for free if you engage them to conduct repairs on your computer.


Choosing The Right Computer Repair Calgary Company


The best computer repair Calgary companies will be able to remove any and all viruses from your computer without having to do a clean install of your operating system. If a particular Calgary computer repair company gives you the diagnosis that there is no help for your computer other than a clean install of your operating system that will also wipe out all of your stored data and files, then you are definitely not looking at the right company. If you want the best Calgary computer repair service, then you should make sure that it is a company that is confident enough about its abilities that it will guarantee you that any virus can be removed from your computer without the need for a clean install.


Free training is another marker of the best computer repair Calgary companies. Many people who have computers that suffer from viruses and other problems often just lack the knowledge of how to use their computers in ways that will keep them safe from attack by such viruses and other malware. The best computer repair Calgary companies will offer free training with every repair job that will teach you how to maintain the security of your computer and avoid having it infected with viruses and other malware again.


About the Author

If you are looking for the best Calgary computer repair service to help you solve your seemingly unsolvable computer problems, then you should definitely turn to the Ducktoes Computer repair Calgary company for help. You will not regret your decision!

(ArticlesBase SC #3038615)

Article Source: - What A Good Computer Repair Calgary Service Can Do For You

Computer Beeping - - Troubleshooting Computer Startup Problems

By: Will Lambert

If you're greeted by one or more beeps and a blank screen when you switch on your computer, don't panic: you may well be able to fix the problem yourself. The beeps you're hearing aren't just random noises, they are actually a code which tells you what may be wrong. The code itself is dependent on the bios (basic input/output system) chip on your computer's motherboard; for example if your computer has a bios chip made by Award, then one long beep would indicate a problem with the memory but one long beep followed by two or three short ones would mean a problem with your computer's graphics hardware.

However, rather than trying to decode these noises, there are two things you can check which will very often cure the problem without you having to take your computer to a technician for an expensive repair. More often than not, the beeps will indicate a problem with the memory or graphics card.

Checking the Memory

A loose memory card or one with dirty contacts is often a reason your computer won't start. Fortunately, it's easy to fix. First, unplug your computer from the mains - this is very important if you are to avoid permanent damage to the memory. Static electricity can damage the memory, therefore, either wear an anti-static wrist strap, or ground yourself by touching the metal part of the computer case. Then undo the two screws on the back of the case (the ones on the right hand side if the computer is facing away from you), to release the side panel. Lay the computer down on a flat surface. You will be able to see the computer's motherboard which will have various cables plugged into it. You should now be able to see your computer's memory chips. Generally, you will have two or four slots about 5 inches long, with a clip on each end. Any or all of these slots may be occupied with memory cards. Simply unclip the card(s), and holding them by the edges, gently clean the gold contacts with a clean dry, lint-free cloth. Re-insert them firmly (they only go in one way, make sure the notch on the bottom lines up), and ensure the clips are properly engaged. Plug the computer in and try to start it again. If your problem persists, then try the next option.

Checking the Graphics Card

If your computer has graphics built in to the motherboard, then this won't apply to you. If however, you have an add-in card, then this may cure your problem. Again with the computer unplugged, remove the lead from the computer which runs to your monitor. You will probably have to undo one screw in order to remove the graphics card, and also possibly undo a clip on the opposite end from the monitor connection, where the card plugs into the motherboard. Take the card out and carefully clean the metal contacts with a dry cloth. Re-insert the card firmly into the motherboard, and put the screw back in.

There is no guarantee these steps will cure your problem, but many times one of these simple solutions can save you a lot of frustration and expense.

About the Author

The author writes articles on technical and other issues, and also runs a website dedicated to finding the best Gourmet Food Gifts and other Gourmet Gifts.

(ArticlesBase SC #3041356)

Article Source: - Computer Beeping - - Troubleshooting Computer Startup Problems

Why is My Computer So Slow? - Is it infected with spyware

By: Brad Armstrong

There are many reasons why a computer can run slow. The biggest problem when a computer runs slow is waiting for application to open, and it seems really tough to get any work done and if you are wondering "why is my computer so slow" there is a solution.

We need to treat our computers when they are sick, if your computer is moving slowly and not performing like it did when you first purchased it then there is something wrong and you need to find out why your computer is so slow.

Here is the problem, trying to figure out what the problem is. You need to approach the problem like you would if you didn't feel well. First step the diagnostic, figuring out what is wrong.

#1 Sometimes it is as simple as turning on your disk defragmenter. What happens is when your computer saves files, bits and pieces are saved all over your hard drive. When this happens the hard drive works hard to get all the bits and puts them together to open the file, this slows your computer. To defragment them go to start then accessories then system tools then disk defragmenter and run this. Do not use the computer while this is running or it will take even longer to complete and doing this can improve computer perofrmance and help you to find out why is my computer so slow.

#2. Is your virus protection working?

Is it receiving updates all the time, scanning your computer daily and is the real-time protection turned on for email and for downloading files. Most virus protection software has all of these settings, open it up and do a quick check. Make sure you do a full system scan and not just a quick scan at least once a week. you may get a nasty surprise and discover there is a virus buried deep in your computer that a quick scan will miss.

#3. Is there enough memory for the number of applications on your computer?

What does this mean? when you purchased the computer you purchased it with RAM memory. Now the amount varies, you could have purchased it with 1GB, 2GB or more. To check do the following right click on the bottom windows bar and then left click on the task manager, go to the performance tab and it will tell you how much memory you have. Open the applications.

You need at least 512MB of free memory to prevent your computer slowing down and that is the minimum. If it less than this consider removing a lot of programs that you do not use and prevent unwanted programs from starting up with windows. If you do not know how to do this get yourself a system scanner and system optimzer to do it for you.

#4. Is there an application that's using all your resources? What does this mean? Well, there might be an application that is using all memory or CPU cycles. How to check, open task manager again and click on the process tab. If you see system idle around 90-99 this is normal, if this is not the case then another application is using the CPU process cycle. Click on CPU and it will put the application that is using all the processing power on top. Find out what this application is. If you know what it is and its software you purchased call the manufacturer. If you don't know what it is search on Google to identify it? If it turns out to be a virus or spyware you will need to take action and find out how to get rid of it. If all checks out go onto the next step.

#5  What is spyware? This is software that get installed on your computer and spies on your activities, records keystrokes, tracks your movements, steals your personal information. Having more than one piece of spyware will really slow down your computer and you need to get rid of it as fast as possible or you will be asking not only why is my computer so slow but you risk losing your passwords and credit card details as well.

Download and run a system and registry scanner to check your computer for spyware and malware and get rid of it. Click here to scan your computer now and stop your computer running slow.

About the Author

Here is the #1 resource for a slow windows computer to speed up your computer now just click here

(ArticlesBase SC #3043585)

Article Source: - Why is My Computer So Slow? - Is it infected with spyware

My Computer keeps Freezing - Stop Your computer freezing now

By: Brad Armstrong

If this happens to you, you'll probably wonder to yourself "Why does my computer keep freezing up?" Like the rest of we computer illiterate people, you probably also don't know what happened or have a clue on how to go about fixing it. For starters, you can rest assured that the problem can be fixed. You may not know how to do it, but still, it can be fixed.

Why Is My Computer freezing ?

It's hard to say with any certainty what is causing your PC to stop operating, and freeze on you. There are simply too many things that it could be. It could be that your memory is full. When the memory in your computer fills up with a whole bunch of files this can cause your computer to freeze up; and freeze up quite often. If you are using a lot of memory while surfing the internet or using other programs and your computer does not have memory free to complete these tasks, it's highly likely that your computer is going to freeze up on you.

You can help this situation by uninstalling any programs on your computer that you don't ever or hardly ever use. This will serve to free up some of the memory, and may stop you PC from freezing up on you. If you're not sure what is ok to uninstall, ask someone that has some know-how about computer programs. If you have the program on disk you can always reinstall it if it was one you shouldn't have gotten rid of.

It's also possible that you have programs on your computer that you don't even know are there. Maybe you need them and maybe you don't. This is a situation in which a system and registry cleaner can come to your rescue and stop you asking why is my computer freezing.

Getting rid of unwanted or unused programs won't necessarily prevent your computer from freezing, but if you give it a whirl and it doesn't help, it's time to call in the big guns; a system and registry cleaner.

A cleaner will scan your computers registry and computer and find anything in there that either shouldn't be in there or doesn't necessarily need to be in there. You can keep your registry in good working order by making sure that it's not bogged down with information.

Why is that so important?

Your registry acts as the brain of your computer. Everything that happens on or in your computer originates from your registry. It's a big job for such a small thing, but without it, your computer would cease to function. If you send your registry into overdrive, by keeping to much information in it, you'll definitely find yourself chanting that oh so familiar phrase "My Computer Keeps Freezing."

A system and registry cleaner will look through your computers registry and computer and fix all the errors for you in minutes. Click here to scan your computer now and stop it freezing.


About the Author

Here is the #1 resource for a slow windows computer to speed up your computer now just click here

(ArticlesBase SC #3043629)

Article Source: - My Computer keeps Freezing - Stop Your computer freezing now

Essays and Research Papers on Computers

By: Quality Research

Computer essays and research papers are common and popular topics given to students. Students may be asked to write a technical computer research paper or an essays on a computer related topic. In order to write a technical computer research paper students will need to have comprehensive knowledge about computer applications and programs. However, writing an essay on a computer related topic could simply require the internet to write the computer related essay or term paper optimally. 

Following is an example of a computer related research essay.

Computers in the Classroom

Computers are becoming an integral and inseparable aspect of human lives, especially in classroom education. The use and employment of computers has made education not only more interesting to learners, but had also opened up entirely novel perspectives in education. Computers have great potential in the field of education and are being integrated into classrooms to augment and amplify the learning and teaching processes. The importance and benefits of using computers in classroom education has been confirmed researchers who affirm using them facilitates the teaching process and the learning process with the help of various tools available to all involved in the process of education (Angeli, 2008). 
This paper aims to analyse the importance and benefits of using computers in the classroom to aid and enhance the education process of learners as well as teachers.

Researchers affirm the benefits of educational utility of computers in classrooms primarily due to their potential to facilitate collaborative learning environments (Crook, 1996; Littleton & Light, 1999). Computers have the capacity to transform learning environments which are traditional into virtual ones, thereby improving the potential of students to study and learn in a virtual world with the aid of technological program such as "Active Worlds and Web Knowledge Forum" (Angeli, 2008). Classrooms can be transformed into collaborative settings with students sharing crucial knowledge with each other, with the help of teachers who have the added advantage of enabling positive relationships between the psychological learning processes which occur in students and the environmental and material artefacts which they can work with through the medium of computers...

For help with computer essays and research papers on any topic or subject, get professional help from Quality Research.



About the Author

The author is a writer with Quality Research

(ArticlesBase SC #3061851)

Article Source: - Essays and Research Papers on Computers

Finding Quality Used Cheap Computers

By: cheapcomputer001

The world really works in strange ways in this modern day and age. For instance, some of the most important high-tech devices in the modern world like computers are cheap and easily replaced. In a few months, a thousand dollar computer today can go for 400 or 500 dollars. You probably know that used cheap computers are everywhere if you've gone to any of the used computer warehouses in your local area.

However, used computers for sale may not be of even quality. You are taking a great risk if you buy a used refurbished computer. This is because those who work to refurbish computers do it as economically as possible. They can save money at every turn if they purchase the cheapest components.

There are times when used computers turn out all right. The refurbished computer you purchased may work perfectly for years. The problem is that used cheap computers are often lemons. You may be spending several hundred more on nothing when you try to save a few hundred dollars on used computers.

It would be wise to ask for a guarantee before you purchase used cheap computers. However, this kind of deals can be hard to come by because the people that refurbish used computers usually do not want to provide warranties. This is because they have no control over how long the used computers last.

For instance, the hard drive can be going bad without showing any outward signs. The needle will suddenly slip and scratch the disc after it has functioned perfectly for a little while. You may also lose the memory in the process because used cheap computers fail all the time. You can fall victim to one of these errors if you have failed to back up your computer. Months, or even years of work can be lost when this happens.

The best buy computers are the ones that are slightly outdated and not the used ones. You can get a great deal if you're willing to spend a little bit more money on a computer that is a generation behind. These computers work like new, even if they can be slightly more expensive than used cheap computers. They use outdated parts that have never been used before on these computers.

Unlike the used cheap computers, many of these computers will still run fast and last for a long time. You can save a lot of money this way if you are not driven to always buy the biggest, best, and newest unit in the market. You should stay away from used cheap computers, unless you can get them for almost nothing.

In cheap laptop computers one may not find many types of accessories which are really not needed always like spare batteries and Bluetooth connectivity. But these accessories can be bought anytime. But something is important such as built-in 56 Kbps modem and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection, which is necessary for connecting to the internet anywhere.

Some features of laptop are needed for every user such as built-in multimedia features and internet connectivity options. The most important thing while buying any laptop is the choice of processor and hard disk space.


About the Author

Marcus - Sales and Technical Advisor to Customers @ Electro Computer Warehouse

(ArticlesBase SC #3067062)

Article Source: - Finding Quality Used Cheap Computers

Some issues when Austin computer repair service providers are required

By: Pardhi SEO Content Developer

Today computer has just become a necessity for people more than a luxury. Computer is being used at such a high rate today that life without a computer is very difficult. In fact there are certain people who are so much addicted to computer that they can not live even a single day without using computer even for small thing. Thus when computer is used at such a high extent then there are also certain issues that people face in their computers. They are after all machines and they have to show some issue if used in such a rough manner. Computers are not only used for personal purposes, but the companies are also relying on computers in order to get their work done. This is the reason the Austin computer repair service providers are in great demand.

As there are so many computers used, some or the will face an issue. There are many issues for which Austin computer repair service providers can be required to call. Some of the issues that need expert advice are mentioned below. Internet is used extensively by people today. But there are certain websites that also transfer viruses in the computer. These viruses are really very much dangerous for the computer. It can also damage the entire hardware of the computer and it will result in destroying the entire computer. As a result to this you will have to buy a new one. So if your computer has started working suddenly or showing up changes which are not done by you then make sure that you call an Austin computer repair.

After this many a times there are certain internal issues with your computer wherein either the display shows any issue or the CPU has some problems in it. These are certain problems which an expert can only solve. So if your monitor is not normal then make sure that you call an expert soon so that he can repair it as soon as possible. Apart from this some times the CPU also has some issues with its working. The CPU is supposed to be the heart of the computer and if the heart has some problems then the death is very near. So if you do not want to lose your computer then make sure that your CPU is in a sound condition. But if there is any kind of problem in its working then the Austin computer repair is just a call away.

About the Author

Halfpricegeeks is the most affordable and professional Austin computer repair services. They provide you innumerable services including New York Virus Removal, Chicago computer repair firm at the cheapest possible rates.

(ArticlesBase SC #3067093)

Article Source: - Some issues when Austin computer repair service providers are required


By: Assam


Computer Repair Software is used to maintain a computer. Computer repairing increase performance and reduces errors and increase speed. The main part of the computer that requires frequent repairs is the operating system as this performs several functions such as storing new files, updating the database and organizing program files. There is no way one can avoid performing a number of repairs to the computer because sooner or later, the computer will experience some changes as a result of malware or viruses.

Use Computer Repair Software – Avoid Big Problems

Certain computer repair software is specifically designed to deal with particular computer problems. Some repair software also known as computer diagnostic software is designed to repair vital sections of the operating system, which might be causing problems. One such software is CommitCRM 5.4. The software can be downloaded and installed on the computer hard-disk from where it will be operated and the necessary repairs done.

How it works:

  1. Computer repair software accesses the database located in the operating system and thereafter checks the program files for any errors.

  2. The repair software then helps to fix any potential computer problems or errors, through the registry.

  3. The software can also repair thousands of common computer problems that might be caused by errors experienced by the operating system.

  4. Users may use free trial computer repair software from several websites in order to diagnose their computers and then purchase the full version to rectify and repair the problems and enhance computer speed and general performance.


In addition, after the computer repair software has been installed,

  1. It will remove any duplicate files and unused files or icons that could be slowing down the PC.

  2. Then checks for invalid pathways, corrupt files, temporary files and other possible problems.

  3. The software will continue running as programmed and will repair potential system errors and other problems as they occur, though daily software updates is necessary.

  4. Keep the system in good shape and even increase performance. One can let the software run on the computer automatically or they can set a timer, which will ensure the software runs at a scheduled time.

  5. If the user wants to save time, it is ideal to allow the computer repair program to run automatically and clean the entire computer system whenever an error occurs.

  6. The software will repair damaged system files as these might be responsible for causing system errors.

  7. Updating the repair software on a daily basis is important because new problems keep occurring and outdated software may lack the necessary files needed to repair new problems.

About the Author

Are you looking for computer repair service. We are here to fix computer problems.

(ArticlesBase SC #3067841)


The Best Solution to Increase Computer Speed in Minutes

By: Catherine Liu

Many people may ask the question of how to increase my computer speed. Some people may consider to reinstall the system or spend money to upgrade the hardware. Actually that's totally unnecessary, you can fix and increase computer speed by yourself. By this article, you will find some easy ways to increase your computer speed.

1st step to increase computer speed – Defragment your hard drive
Almost every storage action like creating, deleting, moving and copying files will cause the generation of fragmentation, As the amount of fragments grows over time, the hard drive will read and merge these separate fragments every time you launch a program or open a file, eventually the computer will be come slower and slower. Defragment the hard drive will help rearranging the separated file information and put them into continuous space. It will increase computer speed remarkably. Remember to defragment regularly which is a very good practice to maintain your PC performance.

2rd step to increase computer speed – Eliminate startup programs
Maybe you never pay attention to programs which will run automatically upon computer startup. That means you will wait longer time for the computer to completely enter the desktop. These auto-run program also consumes extra computer memory thus cause the computer respond slowly and runs sluggishly. Check on all the auto-run programs on your computer and eliminate the unnecessaries. That will increase your computer computer speed and make it run much more smoothly.

3th steps to increase computer speed – clean out Windows registry
This is a very important step to increase computer speed. Windows registry is just like a database which stores all the computer information. Every time you install a program, save a files or install a new driver on your computer, the registry keeps a record which called entry, these entries will be left in the registry even the related programs/files/drivers/ were removed thus make them obsolete even corrupted. That is the biggest reason for a slow running computer, if you keep ignoring these wasted entries, error messages might pop up from time to time and even crash your computer eventually.

If you feel like your computer is slowing down, go try the above steps which will definitely increase computer speed, no need to reinstall the system or calling a technician, registry cleaner will help you clean the computer regularly and make it perform like new.

Just CLICK HERE to run the free registry scan to find out the errors and wasted entries hide in the registry, then increase computer speed instantly with only one simple click of your mouse.

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(ArticlesBase SC #3068379)

Article Source: - The Best Solution to Increase Computer Speed in Minutes

Is Your Mac or PC Running Slow? Get Additional Apple or Dell Computer Memory

By: Vikram kuamr

When your old computer starts to run slow, and has trouble keeping up with all the advancements of the new applications and software, you may come to think of purchasing a new computer.  Yet, there is nothing critically wrong with the old computer, and many find themselves in a paradoxical situation, because buying a new one simply costs too much -- and are in some way emotionally attached to the old one.  In such situations, whether you've got a Mac or PC, it is worth the while to look into additional memory modules that is compatible with your existing computer.  For example, Macs will need an Apple computer memory module, and a Dell will need a Dell computer memory. 

Now, a memory is an internal storage area for your computer, and is typically spoken in terms of the RAM (Random-access memory).  While the computer is on, according to the user's commands, the user can record or retrieve data from the RAM.  The capacity in which the memory is capable basically determines the speed that the computer will perform various tasks.  As such, the memory is a critical part of running the computer, and companies have made it so that a Dell PC will only be compatible with a Dell computer memory, and a Mac will only be compatible with an Apple computer memory.

Inserting and attaching an extra memory to your computer will notably enhance the performance, especially to run intense programs that require high resolution graphics for media editing and video games.  It is by far the easiest and economical way of upgrading your existing computer.  The Apple computer memory or the Dell computer memory comes in different sizes and performance powers to meet the user's needs.  As mentioned above, however, the type of memory must fit with the type of the motherboard, type of the processor, and the type of the operating system that the computer uses.  It is essential that users look into this information before purchasing a memory to upgrade their computers.

Additionally, there is no significant performance difference, for example, between an Apple computer memory and a Dell computer memory.  Unlike processors that have higher competition, namely Intel and AMD, the Random-access memory chips are quite undifferentiated and commoditized.  The only importance in choosing the right memory module would be its compatibility with the old computer.  This upgrade will save money and time, especially if it is performed through DIY.

Many people are afraid to open up their computer, but no harm will be done if the correct steps and precautions are taken.  There are many guides and tips online that provide how to add an additional computer memory chip to your computer safely and seamlessly.  Also, the vendors that offer such PC parts online, can provide some help through the phone or customer service when installing these parts at your home.  Don't throw away your old computer that can still run for couple of years, and save yourself money by getting an additional computer memory.

About the Author

Need an upgrade for your slow laptop or computer?  Get your compatible apple computer memory or dell computer memory at EZAAP today.

(ArticlesBase SC #3068519)

Article Source: - Is Your Mac or PC Running Slow? Get Additional Apple or Dell Computer Memory

Upgrade Your Laptop with the Following DIY Steps for Installing a Sony or HP Computer Memory

By: Vikram kuamr

It can be a nervous and much feared task to open up your laptop or computer for any reason, whether it is your slow running fan, or a problematic gadget or two.  Typically after two to three years, laptops are known to degenerate in a way or another.  If you have kept it in good shape, however, you may notice that the computer's operating speed cannot keep up with the advancements of software and applications.  It is an important and painstaking decision to purchase a new, faster computer when your old one is, in fact, just fine.  For example, your old Sony computer memory or HP computer memory may only have 512 MB of RAM (Random-access Memory).  To run the new Windows 7 operating system, the required memory size is 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit, and 2GB of Ram for 64-bit.  And this is only the 'required' memory.  You need much more RAM to smoothly run other applications and the operating system at the same time.  As a solution, rather than purchasing a brand new computer, it is best to install additional RAM to your computer that is compatible with your computer, such as the Sony computer memory or HP computer memory for Sony laptops and HP laptops respectively.

First, it is very important to review the type of motherboard, operating system, and processor before you purchase the right memory for your computer.  The RAMs are only compatible with the same branded laptops, as mentioned above about the HP computer memory and Sony computer memory. 

After purchasing the right RAM, take a deep breath (nothing to worry about!), and make sure that all power supply to your laptop is totally disconnected before you unscrew to open up the framework.  This will let you see the available memory slots of the motherboard to attach your new HP computer memory, Sony computer memory, or any other brand product.   The memory slots will have white tabs to hold the RAM in place.  Now hold the new memory module and insert it into the tab at a slant, carefully not to touch the bottom part of the RAM.  After making sure everything is set in place, and all cables are as is, close up the chassis and reboot your computer.  If you hear two beeps when the operating system launches, there is a problem with the new RAM module, and you will need to check if it is firmly in place, or find out for other technical issues with the vendor.  Sometimes older computers simply need a BIOS system update to recognize the module.  If you face no problems, go on to your operating system to check that the computer is responding and recognizing the new HP computer memory or Sony computer memory.  The new amount of RAM will be displayed, which will be the additional RAM that you installed on your original RAM amount.

Purchasing an additional RAM is an excellent and cost-effective way to keep your computer up to date, and run intensive applications and software, without substituting the whole device with a new laptop.  As described above, it is not at all complicated or difficult to install an additional computer memory on to your computer.  If anything does occur, most vendors will provide technical service and help to make sure you get the desired upgrade. 

About the Author

Get technical advice and compatible product for your additional HP computer memory or sony computer memory purchase.  EZAAP provides a wide range of products and personalized service to meet your upgrading needs.

(ArticlesBase SC #3068635)

Article Source: - Upgrade Your Laptop with the Following DIY Steps for Installing a Sony or HP Computer Memory