Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Art Of Focusing

The Art Of Focusing

Author: Tom Sörhannus

It is interesting to notice how divided humans are. By that I don´t mean we are divided culturally or nationally or in any other collective way, but each one of us is divided individually. Our thoughts is in one place, our body in another and our soul in a third. This is because we are not focused.

The art of focusing or the art of living in the now is a rare skill these days. It is much talked about, but not many people are able to live by it.

Because of this we live a big part of our lives drifting like ownerless ships on an ocean. We are blowing with the wind, one day in one direction and the next day in another direction. No wonder it feels like we are not getting anywhere.

This lack of focus may take different shapes. Like when we are driving the car and reach our destination and don´t remember anything from the driving. Because our thoughts were somewhere else while our body and subconscious mind took us where we were going.

The interesting thing is that we would have gotten back to reality in a nanosecond had something gotten in front of our car. In the same way we walk through life day out and day in like a train travelling the same rail everyday. Until one day something happens that threatens our life or something catch our direct attention. Then we get focused without even realizing it.

Why are we then so unfocused today? Maybe because there is so much going on in our lives. We live longer than ever, still we don´t think we will have the time to do all the things we want to do. And why is that? Because we spend so much time doing things we really don´t want to do. If we spent more time doing things we love to do we would take better care of our time and be more focused.

What does it then mean to be focused? It is being present with the whole of our being in the moment. Both with the thoughts and the emotions. This is nothing mystical, it is simply to be conscious of what we do and why we do it.

It is surprising to see how much people do just out of old habits. If you were asked why you do a certain thing could you give a clear answer to that? Could you answer the questions what you do and why you do it?

Why is it important to be focused and present in the now? Because if you aren´t focused and present you let life slip away, without taking care of it. Life doesn´t stop and wait for you. It is always moving forward. All the moments that passes by are parts of your life.

How can we become more focused?

Being conscious about our thoughts is the first step. Every time you become aware that your thoughts have flown away you are conscious and focused. Then you can call the thoughts back to the present.

We can also train our focus. Take for example ten minutes a day when you focus on one particular thing. It could be anything from a pen to a tree or whatever you like. Look at this thing from all angles, touch it, smell it, taste it if that is possible.

You can also just be still with your mind, letting all the thoughts come and go. Be aware of the thoughts, see them and let them continue out in the universe.

The goal is to be focused all the time. But until we reach that goal we can at least aim at being focused as much of the time as possible. The more of the time we are focused the more fully we live our lives.

Maybe you or I won´t become completely focused today, but the more often we are aware of our thoughts, our emotions and our bodies the more focused we are.

Tom Sörhannus shares ideas, tips and experiences at Get the Free booklet Positive Being – 15 Steps For Personal Development And Growth on how to create a more positive life.

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About the Author: Tom Sörhannus is blogging and writing about exploring the inner and the outer world. At the moment he does this mostly in the cyber world.

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