Thursday, December 30, 2010

Computer Forensic Experts: Why do We Need Them?

Computer Forensic Experts: Why do We Need Them?

Author: Dr. Mohamad Zaini Mohamed Said

Not most of us know computer forensics until cyber crimes became more apparent. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. They have changed the way we work. Due to this cyber crimes are steadily increasing. Criminals have become to realize that if they want to keep doing their dirty deeds they have to keep abreast with the times.

Fortunately there are computer forensics analysts who can help companies to pinpoint exactly what happened. However not all us thinks this way. I have my own IT department why would I need a computer forensic analyst?

Computer forensic analysts play a big role in solving your problem. Well meaning IT professionals can do their job but unless they have computer forensic training they will just make matters worse. Its advisable that outside be help be considered to address the problem.

Why we need experts

First off, a computer forensic analyst is not just trained to extract and collect data. Computer forensics has both a technical and legal aspect involved in it. Electronic data that will be extracted from the involved computer system is handled like any other evidence in a crime scene. Computer forensics handles and examines this data in a way that it complies to the standards of the evidence.

This is done carefully and properly so that it will admissible in the court of law. If there is any indication that the electronic evidence has been tampered or tainted it will not be accepted in court.

If your IT personnel are trained in computer forensics they can handle the problem. Unfortunately, in most cases not all of them are, unless the company has specified this as a requirement for employment. In- house employees can also raise issues regarding to authentication. Electronic data that has been tampered is time-consuming to recover.

Be reminded that computer forensic experts charge by the hour. Apart from that the internal costs of delegating your It personnel to do the job, it can also create issues within the workplace. Gossip spreads like wildfire.

Computer forensic analysts are not just able to collect data but also preserve it. This includes hidden, password protected, encrypted and deleted files, including tracks that were left behind by the perpetuator. They are also able to obtain evidence from the opposing party. They find out where, when, who and what happened by analyzing a computer system and its data. They follow protocols so that any evidence will be accepted in court.

The price of hiring a computer forensic analyst or company will depend on the nature of your case. The process usually involves three phases: acquiring the data, investigation (wherein the data and the computer system is examined thoroughly), and reporting. Acquisition and reporting usually takes 15 hours. The analysis usually costs around $4,500. Computer forensic experts charge by the hour usually fro $250 to $350.

Security breaches can happen even in the most secure networks. Most often the offenders come from the company who knows the company's network. Million of dollars are lost to fraud and sabotage. Well established banks are now hacked instead of being robbed.

Technology does aid in us in our everyday living but if it's used for the wrong purposes it can prove to be a formidable opponent. It's best to leave the problem to the experts.

Article Source:

About the Author: Experienced in writing books and jurnals within 15 years.

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