Friday, December 31, 2010

Various Types of Computer Viruses

Various Types of Computer Viruses

Author: kuldeepkaur

There are Different Types of Computer Viruses could be classified in (origin, techniques, types of files they infect, where they hide, the kind of damage they cause, the type of operating system or platform they attack) etc. Let us have a look at them…
Different Types of Computer Viruses

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Computer Virus is a kind of malicious software written intentionally to enter a computer without the user’s permission or knowledge, with an ability to replicate itself, thus continuing to spread. Some viruses do little but replicate others can cause severe harm or adversely effect program and performance of the system. For more details visit to .A virus should never be assumed harmless and left on a system. Most common types of viruses are mentioned below:

Resident Viruses
This type of virus is a permanent which dwells in the RAM memory. From there it can overcome and interrupt all of the operations executed by the system: corrupting files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed etc.

Examples include: Randex, CMJ, Meve, and MrKlunky.

Direct Action Viruses
The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and take action when it is executed. When a specific condition is met, the virus will go into action and infect files in the directory or folder that it is in and in directories that are specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file PATH. This batch file is always located in the root directory of the hard disk and carries out certain operations when the computer is booted.

Overwrite Viruses
Virus of this kind is characterized by the fact that it deletes the information contained in the files that it infects, rendering them partially or totally useless once they have been infected.

The only way to clean a file infected by an overwrite virus is to delete the file completely, thus losing the original content.

Examples of this virus include: Way, Trj.Reboot, Trivial.88.D.

Boot Virus
This type of virus affects the boot sector of a floppy or hard disk. This is a crucial part of a disk, in which information on the disk itself is stored together with a program that makes it possible to boot (start) the computer from the disk.

The best way of avoiding boot viruses is to ensure that floppy disks are write-protected and never start your computer with an unknown floppy disk in the disk drive.

Examples of boot viruses include: Polyboot.B, AntiEXE.

Macro Virus
Macro viruses infect files that are created using certain applications or programs that contain macros. These mini-programs make it possible to automate series of operations so that they are performed as a single action, thereby saving the user from having to carry them out one by one.

Examples of macro viruses: Relax, Melissa.A, Bablas, O97M/Y2K.

Directory Virus
Directory viruses change the paths that indicate the location of a file. By executing a program which has been infected by a virus, you are unknowingly running the virus program, while the original file and program have been previously moved by the virus.

Once infected it becomes impossible to locate the original files.

Polymorphic Virus
Polymorphic viruses encrypt or encode themselves in a different way (using different algorithms and encryption keys) every time they infect a system.

This makes it impossible for anti-viruses to find them using string or signature searches (because they are different in each encryption) and also enables them to create a large number of copies of themselves.

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A Home Based Computer Repair Business Can Be Profitable

A Home Based Computer Repair Business Can Be Profitable

Author: lisa lucero

Starting a home based computer repair business does not require a great deal of investment or working space. The prime requisite is a thorough knowledge of computer hardware and software and some hands on repair experience. With this kind of knowledge and experience, understanding the minimum equipment and software requirements is easy. If you need to start your home based computer repair business on a really tight budget, you could think of buying used equipment.

To make a success of a home based computer repair business you will have to be able to keep abreast of all the latest developments in computers hardware and software, as well the latest virus and malware threats. Presuming that you can do the required repairs well, what will make your reputation and be a key factor in your success is the ease with which you are able to identify the nature of the problems your customers face.

Most computer users know little or nothing of the working of a computer or how the software is created. So when something goes wrong, a person who can confidently identify the problem is one who will inspire confidence.

But as important as expertise and equipment are, a home based computer repair business needs two very important things. What is going to bring people to your small home computer repair shop? It could be the fact that you are cheaper than the big service agencies, but people are so dependant on their computers that they do not mind spending to be sure of the repair quality.

So its not price that will bring them to your home based computer repair business, although it is an important factor. Your two strengths will be that you offer quick turn around times - large companies can take a week or more and you must be able to return the repaired computer in a day - your client will be thrilled that he will be without his most important lifestyle possession for a far shorter time than if he had gone anywhere else.

Your second strength must be your personality. Since the computer is an essential part of their lives, clients of your home based computer repair business will be happy when they see that you understand their problems and appreciate the difficulties they are facing. In other words, your two strengths are speed and personalized service. Once you have a core group of regular clients who call on you for repair and maintenance, your home based computer repair business will be secure.

But do not think that running a home based computer repair business is easy. You will have to struggle to build up your reputation in competition with the big players. It will take time and you have to be prepared to stay the course. And when you make a success of it, you need to know when to expand your home based computer repair business into a larger operation. Nothing can ruin a business as fast as having a reputation for taking on more than it can manage and letting quality suffer.

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on electronic testing equipment and switching power supplies.

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Get The #1 Best Computer Monitoring Software eve

Get The #1 Best Computer Monitoring Software eve

Author: Kennykeyz

"Mum I'm just doing my homework" so they say,

"Just a minute honey I'm just sending this fax and I'll be right there" so they say

But this is what the Monitor Your Computer Software will say he he he…..

Whether their playing games, watching inappropriate videos, downloading illegal music/films, chatting with strangers or giving out your
residential address, looking for information on drugs, alcohol & sex let this software be your EYES & EARS … It is brilliant, I mean it records
everything from every keystroke that is typed to capturing passwords. You can review every conversation made and messages received & sent
in emails, chat rooms, sites visited, what searches were made on all major search engines, programs that is run on your computer & so much

This software offers multiple levels of security that protects the program and recorded data from being altered or tampered with. Everything will
be automatically captured from the start that the computer is turned on to the time that it is turned off, love it. The security features also allows
this simple software to run silently and can be password protected and hidden deep inside the computer so no other user(s) can stumble upon it
or access it, allowing you to have complete control, love it.

You really have nothing to loose but so much to gain especially when this awesome product offers free email and 24/7 support, free
updates/upgrades for 2 full years &

a 60 day money back guarantee

The system requires that you have the following:

Win 9x/ME/2000/XP/VISTA

Internet Explorer 4+ for capturing websites

I have it and all I can say is God bless the person that created this product, honey, kids I got my eyes on you. Won't Work with windows 7.

I Bought a copy for myself: Its Amazing: The Software captures every thing thats been done:

I was amaze at how great it was at tracking everthing a user does online:
Andy w. Austin

•Now works with Gmail!
•Screen Snapshots

•Chat/IM Activity
•Online Searches
•Web Sites Viewed
•Email Activity
•Encrypted log file

•Program Activity
•Invisible Stealth Mode

•Playback in real time
•Get results emailed to you

Not only will you be able to capture everything typed but you will also be able to view any passwords typed

Myspace and Facebook are two of the most popular sites online for social networking. You can watch and see what is said and whose profile is visited on these sites.

These sites are very popular which make them prone to sexual predators trying to make contacts through cyberspace. You can view profiles of people visiting your son or daughter, girlfriend or boyfriend or anyone else whom you should learn more about to ensure their safety and faithfulness.

The New Way For Teenagers to Socialize

Monitor every single website that is visited in chronological order. From the time they log on to the time they log off you will know exactly where they went and what the did online.

Web Sites Visited Recording Features

•View Exactly Where They Have Visited
•Records Date/Time of Visit, Total Duration of Visit and Active Time Spent on each Web Site
•Records information submitted on web pages
•Records URLs, Names and Titles of Web Sites
•Records Total Number of Visits to each Web Site

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Types of Computer Input Devices

Types of Computer Input Devices

Author: stanfordclinton

A Computer Input Devices is anything that sends data to the computer. Without any input devices, a computer would only be a display device and not allow users to interact with it, much like a TV. To the right is a Logitech trackball mouse, an example of a type of input device.The first input devices were punch cards and later keyboards. They now include mice, Web cams and digital cameras.

A barcode reader or scanner also known as a point of sale (POS) scanner are hardware devices capable of reading a barcode and printing out the details of the product and/or logging that product into a database so a company can easily keep track of its inventory

A type of camera that stores the pictures or video it takes in electronic format instead of to film. There are several features that make digital cameras a popular choice when compared to film cameras. First, the feature often enjoyed the most is the LCD display on the digital camera. This display allows users to view photos or video after the picture or video has been taken, which means if you take a picture and don't like the results, you can delete it; or if you do like the picture, you can easily show it to other people. Another nice feature with digital cameras is the ability to take dozens, sometimes hundreds of different pictures. To the right is a picture of the Casio QV-R62, a 6.0 Mega Pixel digital camera used to help illustrate what a digital camera may look like.

Digital cameras have quickly become the camera solution for most users today as the quality of picture they take has greatly improved and as the price has decreased. Many users however are hesitant in buying a digital camera because of the inability of getting their pictures developed. However, there are several solutions in getting your digital pictures developed. For example, there are numerous Internet companies capable of developing your pictures and send you your pictures in the mail. In addition, many of the places that develop your standard cameras film now have the ability to develop digital pictures if you bring them your camera, memory stick, and/or pictures on CD.

A computer input device that was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1963, who at the time was working at the Stanford Research Institute, which was a think tank sponsored by Stanford University. The mouse allows an individual to control a pointer in a graphical user interface (GUI). Utilizing a mouse a user has the ability to perform various functions such as opening a program or file and does not require the user to memorize commands, like those used in a text-based command line environment such as MS-DOS. To the right is a picture of a Microsoft IntelliMouse and is an example of what a computer mouse may look like.

The Mouse was originally referred to as an X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System. Xerox later applied the mouse to its revolutionary Alto computer system in 1973. However, because of Alto's unfortunate success, it was first widely used in the Apple Lisa computer. Today, a pointing device is found on virtually every computer.

To find computer input devices or any Laptop Notebook Accessories, Online Marketplace is a good choice.

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Remote Assistance and Computer Repair

Remote Assistance and Computer Repair

Author: Remy

Later versions of Windows have a feature called Remote Assistance. The tool is mostly used in computer repair and computer support. Using this feature, a computer user with a problem can permit another person to connect to his or her computer via the Internet or â€" if the computer is part of a network â€" from one workstation on the network to another. The computer support technician can observe your computer screen from their console and use their mouse and keyboard to control your computer.


While Remote Assistance is a Windows feature, the phrase is also one of the many generic terms for this kind of computer support. The benefits are many and various. Online assistance of this kind can be set up on your computer and used by computer support technicians to help you through complicated problems that you can’t perform yourself. Telephone computer support and computer repair services may struggle if they were to explain the intricacies of certain tasks to you over the phone. If the computer support technician can access and manipulate your computer remotely, he or she can do the job for you.

The convenience of this computer support cannot be underestimated. It’s very handy for permissions to be granted to computer support techs or system administrators so that they can access your computer remotely. The worst case scenario alternative is that you have to unplug all the power outlets and various devices connected to the computer and haul the CPU down to the IT department, or worse, take it to the computer repair shop. Computer repairs of this kind can take up your time and the costs can be high, while remote assistance can take a few minutes and you don’t have to leave your seat.

The functionality can be used by the computer support service in your local area or region who may or may not charge for the service. But it can also be used by your friends or acquaintances who know their way around technology.

A remote assistance session can start up again after a re-boot if needed. Remote computer repair services usually offer free diagnosis and if the problem isn’t resolved you won’t be charged. But make sure to check the fine print in the terms and conditions of the repair contract if they give you one. Typical computer repairs available with providers of online computer support services are the removal of spyware and viruses, registry repair, computer optimization, and solutions for device driver issues.


Various disadvantages for this computer support are obvious.

Although you have to offer permission or invite someone to remotely access your computer, a security breach could occur. If you’re giving remote assistance customer support permission to resolve problems on your computer, clever hackers can exploit the technology to compound problems. When inviting a computer repair expert to access your desktop remotely, there are features to enable password protection so that he or she can only log on with the password you have assigned.

If you’re fearful of a security breach, the Remote Assistance functionality on Windows operating systems can be disabled through the Control Panel.

Remote assistance cannot complete all computer repairs. Remember that computer hardware that has suffered physical damage probably won’t be fixed by the computer support service that has accessed your PC â€" no matter how good that computer support service is.
TechSpoon is a computer repair services provider bringing enterprise computer and network support services to small business in a personal and reliable manner at a fraction of industry costs. They also assist consumers at home with Convenient in home computer repair service for their personal computers for remote pc repair , Computer Repair Services, Computer Consulting, Computer Help, computer virus issues and more. With technicians located nationally computer repair is a phone call away. Computer help can be reached at 877-TECH 101 for computer repairs

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How To Choose Computer Repair Stores In Reno Nevada

How To Choose Computer Repair Stores In Reno Nevada

Author: Noah Houde

We all need computer repair stores and technical support for our hardware as well as software at some time or the other. If you are staying in Reno Nevada, you are lucky, because you have several stores in the region which offer some excellent support services and repairing facilities to customers. However, the difficulty faced by users is that they are unable to choose a reliable and dependant store from the several computer repair stores in Reno Nevada.

If you search the internet you will come across several companies which offer computer technical support in Reno Nevada, but how do you know, if such a company is actually capable of offering you good services. Well – you need to check for yourself, before you hire the services of such companies, so that you are assured that your computer and software is in safe hands. Here are some tips which shall help you to hire the best computer repair stores in Reno Nevada.

Know more about the team and owners: Before you hire any good store, you need to find out more about the company. You need to find out more about the company and facts like how long they have been in business, what their specialty services are, who are their clients is and what is their main motto of work. You also need to know if you would be required to manage or supervise while they are working for you. Do not forget to find our more about the technical support team of the store, their experience and education so that you are assured that such a team shall be able to offer you the right kind of computer technical support in Reno Nevada, you are looking forward to.

Services: You need to find out about the type of services offered by the company. You should enquire if the company shall offer you LIVE assistance, do they offer 24 hours services, do they answer your queries on phone, how long do they need to respond to your calls and what is their usual service procedure. You can also try to find out for yourself before you hire their services – you just need to give them a call and check out how they respond to your calls. There are several computer repair stores in Reno Nevada for you to choose from, so in case you are not satisfied with one company, you have several options to choose from.

Price structure: This is one of those aspects which you cannot ignore and about which you should be sure from the beginning. Find out how much other computer repair stores in Reno Nevada are charging for their services and how much your chosen company is charging. There might be a little difference in the amount charged by different companies – you shouldn't be alarmed by it, but in case you find that the difference in price is quite large, you need to do a little market research so that you know the exact reasons for such high pricing.

If you search the internet you will come across several companies which offer computer technical support in Reno Nevada, but how do you know, if such a company is actually capable of offering you good services. Here are some tips which shall help you to hire the best computer repair stores in Reno Nevada.

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Are Antivirus software companies responsible for creating computer viruses?

Are Antivirus software companies responsible for creating computer viruses?

Author: Robert Bell

Many people are under the illusion that software companies are in the business of creating viruses. The truth is that so many viruses are turned loose everyday and the battle to combat all this keeps major software companies busy. Companies like Microsoft, Norton, and McAffee are our major protectors against viruses created by those who would do harm to our PC and to our very being. These companies are not in the business to destroy what they have built. The truth is the anti-virus venders have quite enough work to do just keeping up with the new malware variants that the organized crime gangs release upon unsuspecting PC users. Yes, I did say �gangs� not random high school students who are just trying to pull pranks. The first virus was created by a student experimenting with the system. Now it has become a major crime committed by professional criminals. Today is a completely new world we are fighting against professional hackers. Ten years ago or so hackers were just a bunch of smart kids who hacked as a hobby.

Today the word is that most Internet criminals are operating from Russia, China and Southern America. It is predicted by security specialists from the major anti-virus software companies that over the next five years there will be an increase in internet attacks from Central America, India, China and Africa. The other hot spot is in Brazil because they have many individuals with sophisticated computing skills but without the more lucrative job market to raise their standards of living. Malware creation hotspots growing in the former Soviet countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Lativia are the major areas of criminal activity. The online crime often presents a more lucrative path raising living standards for these people that is why it is hard to combat the problem.

Major companies like Microsoft would like to introduce a major anti-virus program with their Windows but if they did the U.S. anti-trust commission would charge them with violations. Microsoft tried to introduce Internet Explorer with Windows years ago and got into serious trouble. There is probably no way that our major companies will ever be allowed to offer anti-virus programs that would be included with the PC systems. This is very unfortunate for the general PC users.

The idea that these companies create viruses is just a myth. The major anti-virus companies are so busy creating software to combat the criminals we all have to face all around the world. The anti-virus companies do hire ex-hackers ostensibly for ethical hacking in order to check out the potential vulnerabilities of any system in advance. That is why the question about these companies creating viruses is highly controversial. When you see these ex-hackers, producing anti-virus packages that are fighting would be viruses. The fact is that even though these are the ones who help fight against a virus they are also the ones who create viruses. This does not mean that they turn the virus loose on unsuspecting internet users. In order to cure a virus you need to create a replica to experiment with to understand how the virus works. When the hackers know how a virus works then they are able to find a way to destroy, detect, or redirect the virus.

Tags: Frustrated Computer Users Blog,
antivirus , anti virus , antivirus software


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Apple StoreDamian Powell writes on topics such as Adware, Download Free Anti-virus Software. Visit Are Antivirus software companies responsible for creating computer viruses?.

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A Computer Controversy

A Computer Controversy

Author: kath panambo

One of the bigger mistakes that some people make when they have a home computer would have to be the fact that they do not install computer virus protection in their computer â€" or even if they do, they often tend to neglect updating the computer virus protection software that they are using, which is why any new viruses or evolutions of viruses that the computer anti virus programs would not be identified and would likely slip though the cracks and find its way into the computers. Granted, there are reasons why many people dislike the idea of putting anti virus protection on their personal computers â€" most personal computers tend to slow down when home computer virus protection software are installed into their systems, and evidently, no one likes having to live with a computer that loads slowly (even if said computer would end up being slow anyway, thanks to the bevy of computer viruses that would attack it as soon as they are able). On the other hand, computer virus protection programs that are installed to protect computers that are networked â€" that is, computers that are used within a business, computers used to make money â€" are said to pose few problems of the kind that most home computer owners seem to face. Why computer protection companies would not make such programs available for home computer owners when the technology is apparently possible is truly a mystery. Still, considering there have been websites that allow a person to download computer virus protection software that are similar to the ones used in offices, it really should not be much of a problem. Hopefully, more and more people will reconsider the possibility of keeping their computers protected from viruses.

Computer Virus Protection

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Computer Computers Very best Bang For The Buck

Computer Computers Very best Bang For The Buck

Author: BrianDennis

Each because the non-public computer changed into popular again within the 80's there has always been a candy spot for getting the best bang for the buck. Again to start with, it was around $3500 for an elementary IBM with reveal, one floppy power, and 128K of ram. Doesn't sound like a very good deal lately however again then it used to be great.
There are five other elements to consider in any desktop laptop purchase. Depending at the present very best scenario, you'll ceaselessly get an excellent value on one or steps again from the leaders. Right now the king of the chips is the Intel I series (3-nine) and the AMD Phenom II series. Ram must be at least four gigs and of the DDR3 speed. The ten,000 rpm hard drives rule (sure they are sooner than solid state at this element). And any good HD video card with 1 gig of ram. And last however no longer least, your operating instrument, that's Home windows 7 House Top class and above (Professional is easiest for business users).
After all you additionally have to determine in whether or not you wish to have to be cellular or not. Laptops have the same kind of parts but for this article we're going to persist with laptop computers. So some other attention would be logo and reliability. Manufacturers can also be separated into ranges, first and 2d with first being the best. First tier brands would be Apple, Sony, Dell, HP, Toshiba, Lenovo. Second tier can be Acer, Asus, Emachines, Gateway, and private named.
Now any of these brands could make a high end or low-finish system so there are exceptions. On provider and reliability, I do pc repair for a dwelling and have for a few years and here's a quick evaluate of my experiences. I hardly restore a Sony, Apple, Lenovo, or Toshiba. I repair numerous Emachines, Gateway, Dell, and personal brands. Acer and Asus are reasonably new to the US however I have never had many repairs for either. I in my opinion purchase Sony for the top end and Acer for the lower cost units.
Apple best has two spaces that get many calls on, energy supplies and keyboards. And all have onerous drives that fail quicker or later. Instrument configuration or malware on Home windows machines is the #1 carrier call. However that may be ceaselessly consumer created so you'll't all the time blame Microsoft.
So the candy spot on a brand new windows laptop laptop as of fall 2010 appears to be about $800-$900 (sans display). For this you get an excellent video card with a minimum of 512 megs of ram, a 7200 rpm 500 gig hard force, an Intel I-3 or AMD Phenom II chip set, four gigs of DDR3 ram, and Home windows 7 House Premium. At the Apple aspect it's approximately the same except for the prices are $1350 to $1550 and you get the screen in the deal.
Through in a just right 19 inch flat screen screen for roughly $one hundred twenty five and you've got an outstanding setup so they can do absolutely anything a typical house person would need or need. The typical mean failure on a tier one pc pc turns out to drift between 3-four years but many will last more with less day by day use.
In case you watch the massive laptop store commercials all over holidays and back to college sales you'll be able to incessantly stand up to $one hundred or slightly extra off. Apple rarely has sales so if you want to pass Imac (the most popular type right now) just cross ahead and get it.
Jackson H. Phisher

For info on Desktop Computer Packages or Desktop Computer Bundles  go to the Author's website.

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How To view Satellite TV On Your Computer Through Internet

How To view Satellite TV On Your Computer Through Internet

Author: Rajhv

It should not come as a shock to those interested to watching satellite TV on Your Computers that there are already millions doing so. Large number of video streams is watched each single day and people are getting used to watch entertainment media using their Computers on line.

Mostly, the easiest way around it is to power up your PC with best satellite TV software. We will make out extra in this article about this best software that can enable you to watching satellite TV on PC through the internet and how it parallel with the services you are using today.

The software can be downloaded from dealers on line and installed fast. There are clear direction manuals that take you through a step-by-step approach.

Even the most technically disputed can set up software in some steps. The usage is easy since the navigation is user-friendly. Once you are done with the installation, you can suddenly check out the TV channels they offer and find the desired TV program you can watch.
If you have been a satellite TV customer for the longest time, you would be happy that there are no monthly pays involved at all. The only pay ever is the 01 time payment for the software which works out to less than $50 for most software versions and brands. When new channels are added, you also need not top up or pay anything extra. These are all added in the software package.

Since the software is receiving free to air TV feeds from FTA TV stations, the TV channels you can watching on PC are absolutely free. A fast comparison between satellite and cable TV versus PC satellite TV would reveal that you are releasing maybe 700 channels at max with the monthly services but receiving access to over 2000 TV channels with the software. This is the one main reason why people love to use the computer satellite TV software.

More than the software, you do not need special equipment or hardware, just a good internet connection will do, be it broadband or dial up. Superbly, you should use broadband for faster speeds of TV feed transmission. You also require having Macromedia Flash and Windows Media Player installed before you can watch satellite TV on PC.

The software has an intelligent user interface that creates it a breeze to use to search and catch TV shows to watch. Once you watched it, click to store the TV channel so that you can come back another day to watching. The full process is as hassle-free as it can get.
Watching at the software side by side with monthly TV services, it outshines services in terms of affordability, the number of TV channels available and the userability. This probably is the reason why more television viewer, especially the younger folks now watching TV in this way.

Learn more about this Latest technology.

Raj is a self-authorized TV practitioner. Read more on how you can immediately watching satellite TV on computer, tuning into hundreds of LIVE sports channels, news
Channels and movies for zilch dollar. Also read his wildly well-known article on how to watch satellite TV on computer immediately for pennies.
For More Information.

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Computer Dating: Safety First

Computer Dating: Safety First

Author: Owen Jones

Online dating can really be great fun, but you must not neglect your personal protection when you are trying to find a mate. There are a couple of special precautions because we are talking about online dating, but it is basically just common sense. Just use your common sense as you would if you were dating normally off line and not much can go wrong. The minimum safety measures you should take, cover the areas of protecting yourself and your equipment, ie your computer hardware and protecting yourself both physically and mentally.

Protecting Your Computer Hardware:

As a common rule, when you go off into cyberspace and the Internet, you must take certain minimum steps to look after your computer equipment and system devices. It is almost certainly less likely that you will meet someone focused on attacking your computer and causing it injury on a dating site but you never know. The reverse can be said of chat rooms, some nutters do go in there looking to wreak havoc on people's computers.

Therefore, you need to have a minimum of a decent firewall to shield your computer from malicious invasion and anti-virus protection for your email to prevent people sending you viruses either on purpose or accidentally. These pieces of software will also shield your computer when you search (for) websites and interact computer. These two bases can be covered free of charge, if you need them for non-commercial use or you may want to strengthen your defenses by upgrading for a small fee. A free firewall can be got from ZoneAlarm and free anti-virus (AV) software from AVG.

These two companies are not the only ones offering free solutions and you should search your favourite search engine using the terms one by one. Pick one of each and install on default if you are not sure.

Protecting Yourself:

You must take care of yourself, too, primarily by choosing suitable dating sites. Seek out and select a reputable online dating service. This is easier done than you would think. You could begin by asking around your friends, neighbours, co-workers and others you may know who have tried computer dating, and see which places they recommend. However you may not want them to know what you are doing, in which case you should search for “online dating services� and keep a notebook of their URLs or website links, the fees, rules and conventions, the complete contact details of each and any other useful information you find important.

A good dating site will offer you safety tips about disclosing too much information and meeting contacts. If all else fails or you want a good place to start, try "". Then, you can contrast each website. Try only those sites where you feel safe and sidestep the others. But take care and protect yourself and your computer - with the correct tools and information!

Owen Jones, the author of this article writes on several subjects, but is currently involved with the Woodworking Power Tools. If you would like to know more or check out great offers, please go to our website at

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About the Author: [Owen Jones has travelled extensively for many years and has various websites]

How to sit in front of a Computer

How to sit in front of a Computer

Author: Rudy cote

Sitting at a computer for long periods of time can take a toll on your body. By not sitting in the correct position, it is easy to end up with back pain, neck pain, knee pains, and a tingling of the hands and fingers. This could easily turn into Carpal Tunnel syndrome over prolonged usage. Sometimes, this pain becomes so severe and painful that surgery is the only option. It is best avoided by good practices 1, Push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair. Adjust the seat height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees equal to, or slightly lower than, your hips. Adjust the back of the chair to a 100°-110° reclined angle. Make sure that your upper and lower back are supported. If necessary, use inflatable cushions or small pillows. When your chair has an active back mechanism use it to make frequent position changes. Adjust the armrests so that your shoulders are relaxed, and remove them completely if you find that they are in your way 2. Sit close to your keyboard and position it so that it is directly in front of your body. Make sure that the keys are centered with your body 3. Adjust the keyboard height so that your shoulders are relaxed, your elbows are in a slightly open position, and your wrists and hands are straight. 4. Determine the tilt of your keyboard based on your sitting position. Use the keyboard tray mechanism, or keyboard feet, to adjust the tilt. If you sit in a forward or upright position, try tilting your keyboard away from you, but if you are slightly reclined, then a slight forward tilt will help to maintain a straight wrist position ,p> 5. Use wrist rests to help maintain neutral postures and pad hard surfaces.The wrist rest should only be used to rest the palms of the hands between keystrokes and not while typing. Place the pointer as close as possible to the keyboard. Placing it on a slightly inclined surface, or using it on a mouse bridge placed over the 10-keypad, can help to bring it closer. position 6. Know that incorrect positioning of the screen and source documents can result in awkward postures. Adjust the monitor and source documents so that your neck is in a neutral, relaxed position. Center the monitor directly in front of you, above your keyboard.Position the top of the monitor approximately 2-3" above your seated eye level. If you wear bifocals, lower the monitor to a comfortable reading level. ,p. 7. Sit at least an arm's length away from the screen and adjust the distance for your vision. Reduce any glare by carefully positioning the screen, which you should be looking almost straight at, but partially looking down. Adjust any curtains or blinds as needed. Adjust the vertical screen angle and screen controls to minimize glare from overhead lights. 8. Position the source documents directly in front of you, and use an in-line copy stand. If there is insufficient space then place the documents on a document holder positioned adjacent to the monitor. Place your telephone within easy reach. Use headsets and a speaker phone to eliminate cradling the handset. 9. If you, like me, have a job where you sit still in front of a computer several hours per day, it's easy to forget that you need to move once in a while. I need to remind myself of that all the time. I can start out by sitting straight and then, somehow, later in the afternoon (especially on Fridays) I'm half lying down on my chair. Not so good for back, neck and shoulders. Do yourself a favor and take small breaks during your workday to release some of that muscle tension. 10. Exercise your hand by pushing on top of your fingers, and using backword resistance movements. 11. Do a minimum of fifteen reps for each hand at least six time every day. This simple exercise will prevent you from developing carpal tunnel finger problems in the future. Believe me carpal tunnel problem is very painful and annoying. 12. Even if you don't have any problems right now, you may prevent pain later in life by doing a few good excersises 13. An articulating keyboard tray can provide optimal positioning of input devices. However, it should accommodate the mouse, enable leg clearance, and have an adjustable height and tilt mechanism. The tray should not push you too far away from other work materials, such as your telephone If you do not have a fully adjustable keyboard tray, you may need to adjust your workstation height and the height of your chair, or use a seat cushion to get in a comfortable position. 14. Remember to use a footrest if your feet dangle. 15. Take short 1-2 minute stretch breaks every 20-30 minutes. After each hour of work, take a break or change tasks for at least 5-10 minutes. 16. Always try to get away from your computer during lunch breaks. Avoid eye fatigue by resting and refocusing your eyes periodically. Look away from the monitor and focus on something in the distance. Rest your eyes by covering them with your palms for 10-15 seconds. 17. Use correct posture when working. Keep moving as much as possible. 18. Avoid using excessively wide wrist rests, or wrist rests that are higher than the space bar of your keyboard. Other techniques to reduce glare include use of optical glass glare filters, light filters, or secondary task lights If your wrist hurts frequently while typing try the Dvorak keyboard (American Simplified Keyboard) setup.

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About the Author: I was born and raised in a rural area in Grand Falls NB. It was a great life on the farm, even though I became a design draftsman, many times I would stop drafting for a while and worked for a summer on the farm. That would put me back in great shape and I was ready again for the big city. Animals were always part of our life. I have dozen of great stories about animals and how helpful they are on a farm.

mainfraim computer

mainfraim computer

Author: computer science engineer

Mainframes are very large computers that are built to be able to perform complex and critical applications. Mainframes are usually very large in both physical size and computational ability. They can be some of the largest machines on the planet. However, given the continued drive toward greater computational muscle in a smaller physical package, many mainframes are not too much larger than desktop computers these days.

Mainframes are designed to keep running with as little interruption as possible. They contain large numbers of self-maintenance features, including built-in security features and backup power supplies. Since mainframes are usually the most important computers in a company’s computational arsenal, they are routinely protected by multiple layers of security and power backup, both internal and external.
Among the self-protection measures commonly found in mainframes are an enhanced heat-protection mechanism. Since these computers run all day every day for years at a time, they naturally build up a large amount of heat that needs to be vented. The fans found in mainframes are some of the most effective in the business.

Because mainframes are at the top of the network system food chain, they routinely have the best and most up-to-date of everything, including processors, hard drives, video cards, network cards, and peripheral connections. With a mainframe, which is designed to be super-fast, super-sleek, and super-powerful, read and write speeds have to be lightning-quick. Many mainframes have dual processors as a result.

One of the most important functions of a mainframe is to be able to host applications and work with multiple users simultaneously. Not all computers can handle this, so mainframes are very important in a company’s electronic design, especially its network design. Very often, mainframes are at the heart of computer networks.

In today’s on-demand, Web-driven world, mainframes are playing an even more central role in providing â€" and controlling â€" access to and from networks. The number of users that can access a mainframe at one time is seemingly limitless. Mainframes in this environment are also designed to host Web-based applications.

Mainframes typically can run more than one operating system at a time as well. This comes in handy when a company is running a Web-based system whose users include practitioners of Mac OS, Linux, and Windows XP. Mainframes allow a company to avoid having to exclude users because of OS issues.

Larger mainframes are not always user-friendly, unless the user is the system administrator. These mainframes are designed to stay running, not to be available for users’ whims. However, the lack of approachability is more than made up for by the mainframe's increased ability to keep running in situations that would likely disable other systems.
computer science tutorial
seminar topic

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Introduction to Computer and Ways to Stay up to Date with Latest Software

Introduction to Computer and Ways to Stay up to Date with Latest Software

Author: Tauqeer Ul Hassan

Computer is considered as the great invention of modern era. It is not just confined to some class or some people, it has become a major part of all the industries, educational institutions, banking sector and so on. Almost all the major work has been done through computers. Today, most of the transactions are made online. Computer are used for many purposes such as to search for jobs, games, banking, learning, social networking, and much more is there to access over internet. Anyone who possesses a computer must have some knowledge about the different components involved in it.

- Central Processing Unit (CPU): This is the unit which is responsible for the running of the system. It contains all the necessary components required to run the system properly like hard drive, motherboard, processor, sound card, CD drive, fan, optical drive, RAM. You can modify these components in order to improve the performance.
- Monitor: It is a displaying unit that displays all the activities of CPU.
- Mouse: It is a device to point the items, closing and opening of program is easier with this device.
- Keyboard: It is used to execute commands and other tasks like input letters.

Ways to Stay Up to Date with Latest Software

With the latest developments of technology, it is almost impossible to keep the pace with this technological development, especially with computer technology. New computer software are introduced each day and many old software are updated into new versions due to which it is sometimes become a hard task to operate a file or program with old versions. Here are few ways given to keep you up to date with latest version of software.

- Turn Updater On: One best way to cope with this problem is to turn your updater on. It recognizes the new software and automatically downloads the available updates to your system. Many of the computer programs are now coming with automatic update option.
- Check the Internet: you can search on the internet for your required software update.
- Check your Retailer: For programs and software that are licensed, it is better to contact your software retailer to have new or updated versions.
- Magazines: There are so many magazines and journals available in the market covering the recent technological development in computer and its different software applications. You can take help from them.
- Watch: There are some channels which include informative programs based on different software applications and their specifications and requirements. They can be helpful to know about recent applications.

Before selecting any software, it is important to see whether your PC (Personal Computer) has the required specifications or not. It is not recommendable to use those applications, which show higher specifications than your PC has. Those applications will not work properly or there are chances that your system get slow.

You might also want to learn about Staying Up to Date With the Latest Software and Assembling a Computer.

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Laptop Skins - Protect and Personalize your Computer

Laptop Skins - Protect and Personalize your Computer

Author: JR Lang

Laptop and notebook computers are a costly investment. While it is important to take care of your laptops internal functions, many people forget the outside casing. Scratches and small nicks are inevitable since laptops are mobile and often get banged around in their travels. Until recently laptop owners that wanted to protect the outside casing of their laptops only had the choice of case moddling from manufacturers. A very expensive specialized process of casing protection covering. Now, adhesive laptop skins that are manufacturer specific provide a cheap option to cover the outside of your machine. Laptop skins are great for protecting the outside casing of the computer but are also widely used to personalize, the computer since they come in a large variety of designs and colors. Getting a Laptop Skin that Fits They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be customized to fit any computer. Some manufacturers make it very easy to find a laptop skin to fit almost any computer by selecting the brand name and continuing through to the specific model. Once the correct size has been found, you can then chooses the image and style. Some sites also offer the chance to upload personal photographs that will be transferred onto the laptop skin. Many laptop skins manufacturers make covers for printers, cheap cell phones covers, iPods, video games and other devices as well. Skins have really become a phenomenon, as with Verizon ringtones, and cell phone charms and bling, since many people are fascinated with personalizing their electronics. Applying the Laptop Skin There are companies that offer professional application of skins, but this is unnecessary as anyone can easily apply the laptop skin at home with very few supplies. First the laptop surface is thoroughly cleaned, beginning with a damp cloth and continuing to a clean cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol. Once the surface is prepared, the skin is lined up on the surface of the laptop, the backing removed, and the skin smoothed down onto the cleaned surface. If done correctly, the skin will stay firmly in place for a long time. If the surface was not sufficiently cleaned the edges of the skin and those on curved areas of the case may curl up prematurely. Removing laptop skins is very easy and they come off clean without leaving any residue or damaging the laptop casing. Laptop skins are a very effective way to protect the casing of your computers. They are so cheap now that for as low as $20 you can make sure your laptop stays brand new and shiny on the outside. And, they are a cheap and easy way to personalize your mobile computer and make it more fun to use and carry around. Read more laptop guides such as Laptop Data Backup, cleaning LCD screens, laptop security device and more. Browse large selection of all brands and models of the cheapest laptops and notebooks and all accessories at Cheap Laptop Computers.

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How to copy copyright protected DVD to computer?

How to copy copyright protected DVD to computer?

Author: aimer

I'm trying to copy a DVD to my computer, what's the best and easiest way to play DVD movies on my computer? This step-by-step guide will show you how to copy DVD to computer and rip copyright protected DVD to computer in 1:1 lossless quality.

There include three parts of this article:
1. How to copy DVD (include copyright protected DVD) to computer for backup?
2. How to convert DVD to the format which can play on computer?
2. How to crop DVD, cut DVD, trim DVD and add watermark to DVD video?

Part 1. Copy DVD to computer for backup
Step 1: Download and install Aimersoft DVD Copy, run it.
Step 2: Insert your favourite DVD to your DVD driver
Step 3: Select source DVD
Step 4: Specify output target
Step 5: Click "Start" to start copying DVD to computer

This part just help you clone DVD to computer, the main features of this software are clone DVD movies to DVD, such as DVD-5 to DVD-9, DVD-9 to DVD-5, DVD-9 to DVD-9 and DVD-5 to DVD-5. How to play DVD movie on computer, let`s see the below parts.

Part 2. Copy DVD movies from DVD to computer

What you need is Aimersoft DVD Ripper, you can download it directly from here: Free download DVD Ripper.

Step 1: Download and install the DVD Ripper, run it.

Step 2: Insert your DVD from the "Add.." drop-down list or "File" drop-down list. It provides four ways to load DVD: Load from DVD Rom, load DVD folder, load ISO image files and load IFO Files.

Step 3: Select Subtitle, Audio Track, Profile, Output directory setting

Subtitle, Audio Track: Select the subtitle and audio track for your language, if there is no subtitle and audio track, it is means that there is no other language on your DVD to choose.
Profile: If you want to copy DVD to computer in 1:1 lossless quality, please select "Others" - "Lossless DVD Copy (*.vob)". If you want to add DVD into Windows Movie Maker, or Windows Media Player or Sony Vegas for editing, you can chose "Common Video" - “WMV â€" Windows Media Video (*wmv)â€? profile.

Output path: Select the output path to save your DVD to computer.

1. Select "Apply to All" to apply your settings to all files
2. Select "Merge into one file" to convert your DVD into one video file.

Step 4: Click "Start" button to convert your DVD to computer. Within minutes, you can play your DVD movies on your computer.

Part 3. How to edit your DVD when copying it to computer

The powerful edit feature of this software is one of the few highlights on the market. You can trim, cut, crop DVD and add watermark in your movies with it. Select the video you want edit to and click “Edit� button.

Crop: Drag the dash line around the DVD or set the “Left�, “Top� and “Cropped area size� to crop certain parts from DVD. Or select a default setting from “Zoom�
Effect: Customize the DVD brightness, saturation, contrast, volume in the "Effect" tab as you like. You can even apply special effects such as “Emboss�, “Negative�, “Old film� and “Gray� by selecting an effect from “Effect� drop-down list.
Trim: Set the ripping process start time and end time to trim your DVD movies.
Add watermark to your DVD: When add a special watermark to the ripped movie, you can select add your watermark with image or words. You can even edit your picture and word watermark with this DVD Ripper.

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World Of Warcraft Gaming Computer recommendations – build custom WoW gaming PC.

World Of Warcraft Gaming Computer recommendations â€" build custom WoW gaming PC.

Author: CentaurusPC

More than 12 million players worldwide play World of Warcraft â€" are you one of them, or would you like to try it for yourself? Then you will need to know what computer is good (or better) to play it the way it meant to be. We are not talking about an average PC where you set settings to low-mid and run around, we look at the computers that let you maximize WoW display settings and resolutions. World of Warcraft may be quite an old game but it still does shine when you turn all of the settings to the max. Have you ever caught yourself on top of the Stormwind Harbor enjoying water view? With the right computer you definitely will!
A lot of people play WoW on regular basic computers or cheap laptops, and World of Warcraft actually lets you do that because it has really low minimum system requirements. It can be even run on netbooks on low settings. And we can’t blame you, at the end there are people who don’t care about graphics but just enjoy the gameplay itself, storyline, communication, dynamics and atmosphere. But ask yourself why some old black and white movies had been rebuilt in color? Because they are interesting too and probably they look better in color! Same goes for World Of Warcraft â€" it looks and plays so much better on powerful computers with maximum settings and resolutions. You will catch yourself simply enjoying beautiful scenes, landscapes, sunsets â€" you will see this game in completely new perspective.
Now what is it about a computer that will let you enjoy WoW as we have indicated above? First of all it should be a gaming computer â€" not some regular desktop from popular retail store or cheap notebook. And gaming computers are really different from all that no matter how many times you hear the opposite. Regular computer manufacturers try to lower the costs by installing cheap hardware, crappy onboard graphics, stock coolers, even those cases they use do not inspire anyone let alone hardcore gamers. Gaming computer is built and optimized for maximum performance, that comes at a price sometimes, but so do Mercedes and BMW compared to well known minivans :O) It pays off to have a great custom built computer what it comes to PC games.

Lets start from the beginning â€" most important hardware parts that will affect your gaming and WoW experience in particular â€" CPU (central processing unit â€" processor for short) and videocard (or GFX, graphics accelerator, video adapter). These two parts will have the greatest impact on FPS (frames per second) when resolution and all settings are set to maximum.
CPU â€" processor affects speed of the computer overall, no matter what you do. There are some processor intensive applications like video editing and gaming, so it pays of to have the best CPU you can afford. I general any modern dual core processor will be good for World of Warcraft, but we have some recommendations as to what would be more efficient and will not hit your pocket hard. Right now you can select between great AMD and Intel offerings.
AMD has many dual and quad core processors that are really cost efficient and will be a great option for WoW. For example Athlon II X2 240 with 2.8Ghz would be our minimum recommendation, it’s great for mid-high settings and monitors up to 22â€?, and it’s really cheap, can be paired with inexpensive motherboard and either DDR2 or DDR3 memory â€" lots of options to build low priced computer. If you want to really play on max settings in any WoW game zone and biggest raids â€" you will need one of the Phenom II processors, and while there are some dual and triple core editions we would recommend Phenom II X4 945 or better to stick with. Those quad cores are not expensive and can be a base for really great gaming machine under $1000 that will play any game.
Intel â€" still offers Core 2 processors that are great for WoW but are a little outdated. If you want really cheap computer â€" stick with AMD, if you want something little more expensive - got for new i3/i5/i7 CPU line. Most affordable would be Core i3 530 that can be paired with mid range H55 motherboard and DDR3 memory. It is just a dual core but has hyper threading making it virtual Quad and Turbo-Boost that increases CPU frequency based on the load, works especially good with single threaded applications and WoW. To make sure you will never see FPS drop below 30 you can pick i5 750 which is less than a $100 more but it’s a real Quad Core processor that will not let you down in any scenario (get P55 chipset motherboard with it). And finally Core i7 â€" the king, excellent performance in all applications and games, probably an overkill for WoW but it’s a great investment since it will not be outdated for quite some time.

Videocard â€" second in importance, sometimes first, depends on the game you play. Videocards create picture you see on your monitor, more complicated images require more power form your videocard. Some integrated adapter is fine for Windows and internet browsing but it will not play any real game the way it should be. You will need separate videocard to use high resolutions and settings. There are many popular videocards on the market, for WoW you can pick one of the older ones since thay can be cheap and still offer excellent World Of Warcraft gaming experience. From bottom to top our recommendations are:
ATI Radeon 4650 512Mb DDR3
Nvidia GeForce GT 220 512Mb or 1Gb DDR2 or DDR3
ATI Radeon 4670 1Gb DDR3
Nvidia GeForce GT 240 512Mb DDR5 (better than 1Gb DDR3)
Nvidia GeForce 9800GT 512Mb DDR3 (older but with super performance â€" your best pick for now)
ATI Radeon 5670 1Gb GDDR5 (can have some issues with drivers but good performer)
Nvidia GeForce GTS 250 1Gb DDR3
ATI Radeon 5750 1Gb GDDR5
Anything more expensive would probably not give you much of a benefit for the money you pay. When you set Shades to the Ultra it will stress even most expensive videocards so everyone plays with High anyways, all other settings can be set on maximum as well as resolution with up to 28� monitor if you pick one of the last cards on the list.

Memory â€" If you have at least 4Gb of RAM you don’t have to worry about too much. Even if you have only 2Gb and still using Windows XP you are good to go if you are on a tight budget. Windows Vista or “7â€? will be much better with 4Gb RAM if you want to have something left for WoW. Just watch for the memory type that is compatible with your CPU and motherboard. Like all i3/i5/i7 will require DDR3 memory, some AMD processors work with DDR2, they are about the same price now so you’d better pick DDR3 since it’s newer and faster. Memory varies be speed, like DDR2 can be 667Ghz, most popular 800Mhz and faster 1066Mhz which does not work with all processors and motherboards. If you get DDR3 then you’d better go with 1600Mhz as the most cost efficient, popular, supported RAM. If you are thinking about 6 or 8Gb, then keep in mind that WoW does not need it, you have some other apps that will use that much â€" go for it. Of course if you pick i7 CPU with X58 board then you should get 6Gb triple channel memory kit for the best performance.

Motherboard â€" not so important as long as it’s more or less modern. Just watch for CPU and RAM compatibility. For AMD processors better pick some AM3 board with DDR3 memory support, good chipsets are 785G, 790GX, 890GX, 790X. Some cheaper ones are GeForce 6100/6150/7025, or AMD 740, 760, 780G. For Intel â€" it all depends on CPU you pick. For Core 2 you better go with P55, or if you don’t have a lot to spend you can get P43 or G41 â€" really cut down in features but will do for now. Core i3 and i5 Dual core better work with H55, Quad Core i5 and i7 LGA1156 need P55, Socket LGA1366 Core i7 need X58 chipset. Some motherboards like AMD 785G or 890GX have pretty good onboard video that can play WOW but don’t expect too much from it, it can be fine for some time if you are saving for the new videocard for example.

Hard Drive â€" modern drives do not differ too much, get one with SATA interface and 7200RPM speed, and it will be fine. There are some “greenâ€? HDDs with 5400RPM but they are better for storage not for gaming. SSD (solid state) are still too expensive and not popular. WD VelociRaptor model with 10000RPM is an excellent choice if you can afford it, really cuts down loading times.

Power supply â€" depends on you CPU and videocard. Always make sure that you get reputable brand, or at least read some reviews if you are not sure or want to save some money. There are good cheap PSU out there but you have to be careful picking one. More expensive ones are usually better, some good brands are: Antec, Corsair, Thermaltake, Cooler Master. If your videocard does not require extra 6pin PCI-e power connector then you should be good with 400-500W minimum, better videocards work good on 500-600W power supplies. For all videocards listed above you do not need more than 600W even with i7 CPU but you can surely pick any PSU you like with more power if you think you may need it.

Case â€" some think it’s not important â€" they didn’t see real gaming cases. Advanced chassis for gaming computers not only looks good with LEDs and side windows, but it also cools good. There are usually bigger than average fans (120-200m), there are more of those fans, perforated panels for better ventilation, advanced PSU and fan placement, hideouts for professional cabling and much more.

CPU Cooler â€" one more thing that makes gaming computers different - use of aftermarket coolers. Good CPU cooler works quieter and more efficient than stock ones. Aftermarket cooler will prolong life of your processor making it work on lower temperatures and will allow overlocking â€" speeding up CPU without harm to it as long as temps are within limits. For example Core i7 920 with cooler Xigmatek Dark Knight can work on 3.6Ghz frequency instead of 2.66Ghz default. It makes a lot of difference!

DVD, Blue-Ray, Wireless, card readers â€" all those parts do not affect your WoW gameplay, unless of course your wireless adapter drops connection all the timeï?Š.

OS â€" Operating System. World of Warcraft works good on Windows XP, it requires less power from the computer. We would recommend you to skip Vista all together. Windows 7 64bit is the best operating system for any modern computer and that is what we recommend to get today. Try to get at least 4Gb RAM with it.

Monitor â€" as big as you can get! If you computer would not be powerful enough for it’s highest resolution in games â€" you can always turn resolution down, but WOW looks so good on 1920x1080 res that you should do all you can to play on it.

Well, that covers pretty much everything you need to know about gaming computer for World of Warcraft. On a side note â€" I have played it on AMD X2 5000+ overclocked to 2.8Ghz and integrated GeForce 6150 with only 2Gb RAM. It is playable on 1280x768 resolution with mid-low settings, so don’t worry if you don’t have much money now. You can always upgrade your computer later. Alex Raven â€" senior engineer @ Centaurus PC. Custom gaming computers with unmatched performance, speed, reliability and customization built by professionals. 3 year warranty on every computer, free FedEx shipping, fastest building times and lowest prices. Dominate the game with Centaurus Computers gaming machines!

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Three Computer Repair Facts

Three Computer Repair Facts

Author: Robert Palmer

When it comes to computer repair, there is a lot that you may need to learn. Even if you have a solid knowledge of computers, the fact of the matter is that there are probably some repairs that are out of your realm of possibilities. It is always a good thing to have knowledge of computer repair in case something happens to your machine. A quick fix is always better than doing without your computer for days on end.

Here are three computer repair facts that you may not be aware of.

1. You do not always need to take your computer to a professional in order to have it repaired. There are many software programs that can do this for you from the comfort of your own home. As you can imagine, computer repair software programs can only do so much, but it is always a good idea to check into this before you pay somebody else to help.

2. To go along with number one, computer repair software is not going to cost hundreds of dollars. In fact, there are many well known programs that you can download online free of charge. Talk about a great way to make your computer as good as new!

3. If you have to hire a computer repairman, make sure that you do your homework. If you are going to spend the money on outside help, you want to make sure that the job gets done right. You should only let a qualified repairman work on your PC.

These three computer repair facts may or may not be able to help you. But if you own a computer, chances are that it will give you trouble at some point in time. Instead of buying a new unit, you should consider fixing your current one with some of the tips from above.
Visit for new, free software targeting novice PC users makes computer repairing as simple as clicking a mouse. Advanced WindowsCare Personal - Get Your PC repaired, protected and optimized in 1 click with this free software. Essential tool for every computer user.

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About the Author: Webmaster at ArticleTrader.

Using Unfinished Wood Computer Desk in Your Office

Using Unfinished Wood Computer Desk in Your Office

Author: kamsy williams

If you consider giving your office a touch of class and elegance as regards the type of desk you want for your office then you should go for top quality furnishing. It may not necessarily be an executive computer desk which may be quite expensive and above your budget but the idea of using a wise and tactical approach to getting a befitting desk that would add to the beauty and glamor of your office and to achieve this, you may not be wrong if you decide to go for an unfinished wood computer desk.

Most people prefer to use wood furniture in their office because wood is undoubtedly one of the durable materials available. It is highly demanded for use in making all kinds of furniture because of its ability to resist dents and rupture. Ranging from chairs to desks, wood is the first choice of materials to be used in furniture making.

When creating a computer desk, the search for the kind of wood to use could be tedious some times. Most people prefer unfinished wood as it accords them the opportunity to diversify and also mix and match different wood types. It makes room for customization. You can add your unique personal touch in order to bring out the kind of desk you want. We all have our various wants and interests so we can express it in creating the kind of unfinished wood computer desk that will suit our personality.

When using unfinished wood, you can create a standard writing desk with enough space for your computer as well as carry out other office duties. You can use an unfinished wood to create a computer desk with a hutch for storing of accessories and other essential documents, although this type of desk requires a lot of space. You should consider getting an angled wood or L-shaped office desk; this is because they provide you with enough space to place your computer on one side while you use the other side for writing and other similar assignments.

When you make a suggestion to people about buying an unfinished wood computer desk for their office, many would shrug and say a big "NO". It may look quite scary to them but in the real sense, it is definitely not so. When you hear the term "unfinished wood furniture" what really comes to mind is a picture of a bunch of boards.

The truth of the matter is that it is nothing but a complete piece of furniture. The only difference is that it requires some adjustments and finishing like painting and staining. By buying one, you would rightly save on lots of money on your furniture while still getting a good quality piece of unfinished wood computer desk that wouldn't disappoint you. You can buy just about any type or style of furniture including tables, dressers, chairs, cabinets etc. Then you paint them and also seal them properly using proper sealers

Kamsy Williams is a furniture enthusiast. She helps office owners in choosing the right and suitable Unfinished Wood Computer Desk for their office. In order to save money and also avoid costly mistakes. For more details visit her website

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Why Not Buy A Pair Of Computer Glasses?

Why Not Buy A Pair Of Computer Glasses?

Author: Michelle Perkins

Some of us have heard of computer glasses, but only few can tell on which occasions these lenses are needed. In fact, if you can not read while you are reading without glasses, then you are in need of computer glasses.

While in front of computer monitor, you should keep an appropriate distance from it. The distance should be at least 12 inches. Anther point is if you are working before the monitor, your eyes are exposed to bright light for very long time. If you can not adjust you to the environment you are working, your eyes may become very fatigued. Fortunately, all these problems can be avoided if you wear computer glasses.

It is now a digital world with the symbol of massive computers. We seldom read paper books or news paper. On the contrary, if we want to gain some information, we must depend on computers. If there is no computer, our lives will go into riots. So computers are indispensable equipments in our daily lives. On the contrary, our eyes are suffering a lot for the sake of computers. Our eyes have to stare at the monitors all the time without any rest. Thus appear various kinds of eye problems. Aimed at the eye problems occurred for working too long before computer monitors, some computer glasses are devised for us. Thus these lenses can help protect our eyes.

Some of us may wonder how to know we are in need of computer glasses. In fact, if there are any of the following symptoms occurring onto your eyes, these lenses are needed. These symptoms include eye strain, eye dryness, and unknown headache, etc.

With these glasses, your eyes will not so easily get fatigued. In fact, if you sit too near or too far from the computer, your eyes will get strained and tired easily. Computer glasses can make you sit in a proper position on which your eyes will benefit a lot.

Nowadays, more and more of us have realized that our eyes are threatened by computers. And most of us are deciding to buy computer glasses. You may worry about the price of such lenses. On the average, these lenses are relatively cheap. So if you want to maintain the health of your eyes, you should buy a pair of computer glasses.

Default Author Bio: is the fastest growing online community selling high quality yet cheap prescription eyeglasses, cheap bifocal safety glasses and other glasses which are comparable with designer eye glass frames. Firmoo’s return and refund policy makes your purchase with Firmoo risk-free.

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About the Author: is the emerging online optical store selling high quality eyewear, such as prescription eyeglasses (single vision myopic glasses, reading glasses, bifocal and progressive eyeglasses etc.,), prescription sunglasses (with RX tinted lenses), prescription sports goggles. Firmoo guarantees lowest possible price in the market. Firmoo's return and refund policy makes any purchase risk-free ones.

All In One Computer vs Desktop Computers: Advantages and Disadvantages

All In One Computer vs Desktop Computers: Advantages and Disadvantages

Author: EthanDreyer

An all-in-one PC is a computer that contains the central processing unit or CPU and the monitor encased in a single entity.

Common Features of the All-In-One

CD/DVD/Bluray drives built in
Touchscreen capabilities
4+ USB 2.0 ports
Built-In wireless system


Huge Space saver when compared to a desktop
everything needed comes in the same box
touchscreen-ability to operate computer from screen or keyboard and mouse capability for almost a completely wireless system (no more rats' nests)


No room for expansion or changing components
one thing goes wrong with a component very difficult to replace
price when compared to a desktop, you pay more for the convenience of having an all-in-one

Desktop PC
A desktop PC is a computer that consists of the CPU and monitor encased as separate entities and are controlled with a keyboard and mouse combination.


Get more put into the system for the same price as an all-in-one
room for airflow, computer will not run as warm as a laptop or an all-in-one
highly customizable with components and accessories


spatially inefficient
takes longer time to clean and more effort to maintain
purchase each component separately which takes time and knowledge


Desktop PCs, because of their customization opportunity, make the best choices for the gaming computer route. It is possible to add a lot more into your computer for the money that you pay for it with the desktop PC.

The All-In-One PC makes a great home personal computer because you can do any of the more basic home computer tasks such as internet surfing, video streaming, and word, office or business, applications all really well, and the All-In-One will save you a ton of extra space that a desktop would take up.

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Tips For Reimage Computer Repair Service

Tips For Reimage Computer Repair Service

Author: David Kendrick

If you have heard about Reimage Computer Repair and you want to get your Windows XP fixed in about 30 minutes time, this is probably one rare online service you can consider of its subscription. However, before you make a decision to pay your hard earned bucks for this service online, make sure you take note of these tips that will help you to make wiser decision. In this article, you will learn the tips for paying Reimage for repairing your computer on the Internet including making sure your operating is a Windows XP, using Reimage for your clients' computers and back up your important files before you execute the repair process. At the end of this article, you will be able to decide whether or not this online repair service is really right for you.

The first tip before you pay money to have your computer fixed online, you need to make sure your operating system is running on Windows XP. If you are using Linux, Mac or Windows Vista, then they will not be able to execute the repair for your computer as currently they are only supporting Windows XP platform. If your Windows XP is running on a different language other than English, make sure they are French or Hebrew editions because these are the only services available at this time. This is the very first thing you need to take note.

The second tip is to save a copy of all your important files before you send your computer for repair, especially over the Internet. When you read the review or the website of this particular service, it is likely to be safe and everything seems to be under controlled. It also assures you that your personal data will remain unaffected and intact even though the repairing process is being executed. However, it is still better to take the precaution steps because you really would not know what would happen once your computer is being repaired by the automated application on the Internet. So, remember to back up your files especially the important assignments, projects, private and confidential documents so that you will have a copy. Who could blame if something really goes wrong? So be wise.

The third tip for sending your computer to repair is to make sure you know Reimage Computer Repair service can also be used for your clients' computers. If you run a business repairing your clients' computers and you think you want to have something or something that can increase the productivity and its effectiveness, then this is probably something you want to consider. If you have been spending half a day fixing someone's computer with human hands, then you might want to consider using this because it allows you to finish the repair process in about 30 minutes. Currently, there are packages available for 1 computer, 3 computers, 10 computers and unlimited computers with a monthly subscription fee. What you can do if you are really new to this is that, you can try for one computer and if you really think it is helping you, then you can subscribe for more computers. Otherwise, if it is not helping you at all, you can ask for full refund within 7 days with no questions asked.

With these tips in your hand, you are now a wiser decision maker especially when it comes to deciding whether or not you want to send your computer to be fixed by Reimage. Hope this article has been a helping hand.

Learn more about the features that Reimage brings and for a thorough review on this computer repair service, please visit the Reimage Review website.

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About the Author: Banish Tinnitus is a very well endorsed that allows you to treat tinnitus quickly and one that gives you money back guarantee. Discover even more about it from the web page right now.

How To Choose Between a Laptop, Notepad or a Desktop Computer

How To Choose Between a Laptop, Notepad or a Desktop Computer

Author: Merlin

Most people seem to prefer to purchase a laptop/notebook computer these days instead of the more traditional desktop computer. The problem is that users are not always aware of information they truly need to make that all-important purchasing decision. We have tried below to provide you with a reasonable summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Laptop v's Notebook

Most people refer to their portable computer as a �laptop', whilst this is not technically the correct term in a lot of cases. Here we examine the difference between the �laptop' and �notebook' definitions.

In the late 1980's and early 1990's portable computers became widely available. They were all called �laptops' and they were heavier than we have become used to. Prior to this the only portable computers were very large �suitcase' style machines which were quite heavy. As these laptop computers became smaller during the 1990's the term �notebook' computer began to emerge. Most portable computer manufacturers will now refer to their product as a �notebook' rather than a �laptop'. The term �notebook' has partially replaced the term �laptop' because these �heavier' machines are no longer being made.

Traditionally, a �notebook' computer would have most of these features: -

Ultra-light and very low profile (ie. thin)

4 hours of battery life -

No internal floppy drive -

Minimal graphics subsystem -

Maximum 14" TFT screen -

Integrated modem/network connections -

Smallest possible keyboard (retaining functionality) -

Low power consumption processor

The problem with a notebook computer is that, in order to have a high specification, they come at a cost. Many �notebook' computers cannot actually be used on your �lap', so they cannot really be described as a �laptop' � this is because the main cooling air fan inlet is on the bottom. Comspec would suggest that when you are actually intending to use your notebook computer on your knees, then you should place a small board (even a tray) underneath it.

�Laptop' computers realistically do not exist anymore, they are being referred to as �desktop replacement' computers. They are designed to offer desktop performance, but still be portable. Traditionally, a �laptop' computer would have most of these features: -

14" to 17" TFT screen -

Nvidia GeForce or ATI Radeon graphics subsystem -

I nternal DVD-ROM or DVD-RW drive -

Large full-featured keyboard -

2 hours battery life -

Upgradeability (within some restrictions) -

Integrated modem, network and Wi-Fi capabilities -

High quality integrated audio/speaker system -

Low power consumption processor

Most people, however, still refer to their �notebook' as a �laptop' and numerous retailers still call them �laptops'. The terms are used interchangeably and could be used either way. Because of the advances in portable computing, the definitions have become fuzzy and it is a matter of opinion as to which you call your computer.

Laptop/Notebook v's Desktop

The portable computer should not realistically be used as a �replacement' for a desktop computer � it is purely a �portable' solution. Some retailers are misleading (I hope not intentionally) customers by telling them the laptop they are selling is a straight replacement for a desktop. I have even heard one salesperson say that the desktop computer is now obsolete and the laptop is the new computer.

The advantages of a desktop computer are: -

More powerful -

Higher storage is available -

Easy to upgrade or repair -

More resistant to theft -

Less prone to component failure -

Components are less expensive -

Components are not always specific to any machine -

More overall performance per pound cost -

Multiple monitor support is standard on some desktops

The advantages of a laptop/notebook are: -

Portability makes them very useful -

Access to wireless networking in public places

There is no real comparison on performance between a laptop and a desktop computer. The laptop has a couple of fundamental problems to overcome which limit it. The first of these is size , the smaller the machine the less room to put components. The second is heat , the laptop is small, giving less room to circulate air to cool components. Because manufacturers are constantly fighting against these problems the laptop will never truly �replace' the desktop.

A major number of laptops are �proprietary' meaning that their components are not interchangeable. If you want a component for your laptop you will usually have to stick to the same manufacturer to get it. The design of laptops changes so often that parts are not always easy to get. Here are a few other important factors which you need to be aware of regarding laptop/notebook computers:

1) Their processor usually runs at a reduced speed when on battery power

2) The cost of repairing a laptop/notebook can be much more than a desktop. Labour is more intensive and the parts are always more expensive.

3) The hard drive in a laptop is smaller than their desktop cousins. This means that, whilst laptops are being supplied with larger disks, the desktop computer is still the number one choice for users with large storage needs.

4) The laptops/notebooks which are being offered for sale in the �300-�500 price bracket are usually not what we would describe as �business' machines. They are built to a lesser specification and their upgradeability path is small to non-existent.

5) Anyone who relies on graphics or sheer power for gaming is forced to go the desktop route to gain the specification they require.

So, to summarise, Comspec does not recommend that you avoid laptops, but you should realistically only buy one if you are happy to trade performance for portability. The portability aspect is very important � if you do not need it, then always go for a desktop computer. The debate will go on as the industry develops, but the purpose of this article is simply to give you, the user, a heads-up on this �political' debate.


Choosing the right computer to buy, can sometimes be a difficult decision. Offering Free Help and Advice hopes this article written by Mark Anderson Comspec Computers. will help make the choice a little easier.

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Easy Ways To Shutdown Computer Windows

Easy Ways To Shutdown Computer Windows

Author: Vijay Khandekar

Shutdown Windows Introduction:
This article provides information about how to use the Shutdown tool or Shutdown.exe to shut down and restart a local or remote through Microsoft Windows on users computer. The term Shutdown means to power off or switch off the computer.There are two ways to shutdown the computer one is Normal Shutdown and another is Force shutdown.

Force Shutdown/Brute Shutdown :
When User wants to shutdown the computer by Brute or force shoutdown ,the files or any application which are not been saved , While shut-down process you will not given any permission for saving the files. This may lead to loss of any unsaved data or information. There is a risk of losing the documents when we use Force or brute shutdown.

Normal Shutdown :
When User wants to shutdown the computer Normally, the files or any application which are not been saved , While shut-down process you will see on the desktop screen a window appears for a permission asking weather to continue.

Shortcuts to Shutdown Windows
Methods of Shutdown foe Windows :
Shutdown file available on the Microsoft Windows operating system is called as command-line tool that you can use to shut down or to restart a local/remote computer system.

Shutdown in Windows XP Operating System

Windows xp has a command where we can go to the Command Prompt tool and use this function, To go to command prompt , Start > Run ,Type cmd . Command prompt window appears. You can also get a software utility to create shutdown shortcut (with many configurable options) without going to command prompt at

shutdown -s -t 500
This command will shut down the computer with certain time interval specified , here at 500 seconds computer gets shutdown.
shutdown - i Display the GUI (must be the first option)

shutdown - l This option will Force Shutdown . This cannot be used
with /m or /d option

shutdown - s Shutdown the computer

shutdown -s - r Shutdown and Restart the system/computer

shutdown -a Abort a system shutdown. (only during the time-out period)

shutdown -p Turn off the local computer with no time-out or warning
(only with /d)

shutdown -e Document the reason for an unexpected shutdown of a computer

Shutdown the computer in Windows 7 Operating System:

shutdown /? Display help option.

shutdown /i Display the GUI (must be the first option)

shutdown /l This option will Force Shutdown . This cannot be used with /m or /d option

shutdown /s Shutdown the computer.

shutdown /a Abort a system shutdown. When there is an any time out option given.

shutdown /t This option helps to add the time interval for the specified time interval before shutdown , it will shutdown after the desired time.

shutdown /c “help� This option helps to add the comment for restart or shutdown

shutdown /p Turn off the local computer with out time-out or warning

shutdown /g Shut down and Restart the system/Computer re-boot the computer once again with less time-out or warning.

If User wants to access quick shutting down on computer, create a Icon shutdown shortcuts on the Desktop

Create Icons for Shutdown on computer desktop
Shutdown Shortcut can be created on Desktop Screen on Computer.
Shutdown Shortcut can be used to instantly shutdown the computer.
To create Shutdown Shortcut on the Desktop Screen,Left Click on the Screen >click “New� option > Shortcut.
Type the Location “shortcut -s -t � Click “Next�
Display Window appear Type the created on desktop
Click “Next“ to Finish.
Shortcut icon is Prepared on the Screen.
By creating this shortcuts on your desktop screen we can easily have a quick acess to shutdown our computer.

Restart the computer in Windows 7 Operating System

Windows xp has a command where we can go to the Command Prompt tool to restart the computer, To go to command prompt , Start > Run ,Type cmd . Command prompt window appears

shutdown /r /t 50
This command will restart or re-boot the computer with certain time interval Specified , here at 50 seconds computer gets Restart.

Shutdown the computer in Windows 7 Operating System:

shutdown /r /t 100
This command will restart or re-boot the computer with certain time interval Specified , here at 100 seconds computer gets Restart.

If User wants to access quick Restart on computer, create a Icon shutdown shortcuts on the Desktop
Create Icons for Restart

Shutdown Shortcut can be created on Desktop Screen on Computer.
Shutdown Shortcut can be used to instantly shutdown the computer.
To create Shutdown Shortcut on the Desktop Screen,Left Click on the Screen >click “New� option > Shortcut.
Type the Location “shortcut -r -t � Click “Next�
Display Window appear Type the created on desktop
Click “Next“ to Finish. Shortcut icon is Prepared on the Screen.

Visit to initiate auto shutdown, create shutdown shortcut, etc in a simple and easy way for XP, Vista or Windows 7. Get Utilities to initiate slow shutdown / normal shutdown or initiate fast / brute shutdown for your windows.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Computer Forensic Experts: Why do We Need Them?

Computer Forensic Experts: Why do We Need Them?

Author: Dr. Mohamad Zaini Mohamed Said

Not most of us know computer forensics until cyber crimes became more apparent. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. They have changed the way we work. Due to this cyber crimes are steadily increasing. Criminals have become to realize that if they want to keep doing their dirty deeds they have to keep abreast with the times.

Fortunately there are computer forensics analysts who can help companies to pinpoint exactly what happened. However not all us thinks this way. I have my own IT department why would I need a computer forensic analyst?

Computer forensic analysts play a big role in solving your problem. Well meaning IT professionals can do their job but unless they have computer forensic training they will just make matters worse. Its advisable that outside be help be considered to address the problem.

Why we need experts

First off, a computer forensic analyst is not just trained to extract and collect data. Computer forensics has both a technical and legal aspect involved in it. Electronic data that will be extracted from the involved computer system is handled like any other evidence in a crime scene. Computer forensics handles and examines this data in a way that it complies to the standards of the evidence.

This is done carefully and properly so that it will admissible in the court of law. If there is any indication that the electronic evidence has been tampered or tainted it will not be accepted in court.

If your IT personnel are trained in computer forensics they can handle the problem. Unfortunately, in most cases not all of them are, unless the company has specified this as a requirement for employment. In- house employees can also raise issues regarding to authentication. Electronic data that has been tampered is time-consuming to recover.

Be reminded that computer forensic experts charge by the hour. Apart from that the internal costs of delegating your It personnel to do the job, it can also create issues within the workplace. Gossip spreads like wildfire.

Computer forensic analysts are not just able to collect data but also preserve it. This includes hidden, password protected, encrypted and deleted files, including tracks that were left behind by the perpetuator. They are also able to obtain evidence from the opposing party. They find out where, when, who and what happened by analyzing a computer system and its data. They follow protocols so that any evidence will be accepted in court.

The price of hiring a computer forensic analyst or company will depend on the nature of your case. The process usually involves three phases: acquiring the data, investigation (wherein the data and the computer system is examined thoroughly), and reporting. Acquisition and reporting usually takes 15 hours. The analysis usually costs around $4,500. Computer forensic experts charge by the hour usually fro $250 to $350.

Security breaches can happen even in the most secure networks. Most often the offenders come from the company who knows the company's network. Million of dollars are lost to fraud and sabotage. Well established banks are now hacked instead of being robbed.

Technology does aid in us in our everyday living but if it's used for the wrong purposes it can prove to be a formidable opponent. It's best to leave the problem to the experts.

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About the Author: Experienced in writing books and jurnals within 15 years.